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ICT in Primary and Secondary Education Michel Lanners Director of SCRIPT/MENFP Luxembourg, September 2006.

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1 ICT in Primary and Secondary Education Michel Lanners Director of SCRIPT/MENFP Luxembourg, September 2006

2 Pear Learning Activity (PLA), Luxembourg, September 27-29, 2006 Objectives of the governmental initiative e-Luxembourg 1999-2004 Initiate young people to the digital paradigm omnipresent in private, public and professional life. Train young people to use ICT in a pertinent way in order to select, exploit, valorize and share information. Reduce the digital divide by preventing the gap between those who can and those who can not master (and are therefore able to effectively use) ICT

3 Pear Learning Activity (PLA), Luxembourg, September 27-29, 2006 Objectives of the governmental initiative e-Luxembourg 2004-2009 “A holistic vision (gouvernance électronique) will be adopted concerning the strategy pursued in the field of information and knowledge society. “ L’ensemble des domaines et acteurs concernés seront impliqués dans les actions à mener : administration publique nationale, communes, monde économique, citoyens, éducation, santé, social, politique, démocratie …etc. »

4 Pear Learning Activity (PLA), Luxembourg, September 27-29, 2006 Luxembourg initiatives in the field of e-education 1. Connect all the teachers and learners and enable them to work in networked communities 2. Adapt, develop and promote pedagogical content 3. Improve initiatives in the field of in-service teacher training 4. Simplify and increase the efficiency of administrative procedures 5. Upgrade and maintain infrastructures

5 Pear Learning Activity (PLA), Luxembourg, September 27-29, 2006 Pedagogical benefits for pupils The use of ICT in their learning activities should stimulate individual and collective initiatives like autonomous work by developing efficient working attitudes (but no copy - paste) responsibility by developing critical thinking as expected nowadays by European citizen

6 Pear Learning Activity (PLA), Luxembourg, September 27-29, 2006 Professional benefits for teachers The use of ICT in teaching should stimulate motivation by developing and facilitating the working environment communication by increasing networking activities and by building up teamwork

7 Pear Learning Activity (PLA), Luxembourg, September 27-29, 2006 Consequences at the level of equipment Pursue equipment policies by opting for the best solutions (from electronic school bags and PC trolleys to local solutions in schools) Create and manage a pool of technicians to assure technical maintenance in schools

8 Pear Learning Activity (PLA), Luxembourg, September 27-29, 2006 Consequences in a pedagogical perspective Develop new didactical concepts to promote ICT in order to develop cross- curricular competencies to consider ICT as a tool and no more as an objective in the learning process Evaluate the impact of these initiatives on a regular basis

9 Pear Learning Activity (PLA), Luxembourg, September 27-29, 2006 Consequences for the professional development of teachers 2 levels of initial and in-service teacher training skills related to pedagogical practice evolved skills (competences meta) Basic skills in personal control of ICT-related tools are no more developed (word, office, excel, …)

10 Pear Learning Activity (PLA), Luxembourg, September 27-29, 2006 Perspectives (I) Keep the right balance of ICT related activities (no excess and no lack) Develop connectivity between classrooms and schools and between school and society Stimulate and assist the obvious changes in the role and function of teachers (shift from knowledge expert to learning expert) Develop a lifelong learning culture in the perspective of personal professional development

11 Pear Learning Activity (PLA), Luxembourg, September 27-29, 2006 Perspectives (II) Assist the major reform process currently pursued by the authorities: In giving a new sense to learning and teaching by fixing competence oriented standards In helping schools better to assume these new missions in a more autonomous and more responsible environment (new data needs)

12 Pear Learning Activity (PLA), Luxembourg, September 27-29, 2006 Where are we going? General overview completed by the presentation of some challenging projects Growing importance of media education The PC turns 25

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