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Red Eyed Tree Frog By Ellie LeGare.

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Presentation on theme: "Red Eyed Tree Frog By Ellie LeGare."— Presentation transcript:

1 Red Eyed Tree Frog By Ellie LeGare

2 Most amphibians… Lay eggs They breathe water
They breathe air when they are a grownup

3 What they eat Flies Crickets Moths Dragonflies Bees

4 Where they live… They live on Forest Floor in trees.
Their beds are made of leaves. They live in the Amazon and Tropical Rain Forest.

5 There are five different kinds of animals with vertebrates
Mammals Reptiles Fish Amphibians Birds

6 Tree frog Red Eyed Tree Frogs are amphibians and they lay eggs.

7 Facts about Red eyed tree frogs
.Their legs are very powerful .They have a very short backbone

8 Diagram of a Red Eyed Tree Frog

9 Credits .By Ellie LeGare .Illustrated by Ellie LeGare
Almost done with my power point

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