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Unit 2 The Environment Reading. 1.What are the environmental problems in your living surroundings? 2.Do you think a healthy environment is important.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 2 The Environment Reading. 1.What are the environmental problems in your living surroundings? 2.Do you think a healthy environment is important."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 2 The Environment Reading


3 1.What are the environmental problems in your living surroundings? 2.Do you think a healthy environment is important for human beings? Why?

4 Some kinds of pollution In China millions of tons of household wastes are produced everyday.

5 Air pollution The automobiles are piping out all kinds of waste gas into the atmosphere. We can always see heavy smoke piped from the tall and ugly chimneys.

6 Deforestation A photo from the Amazon drainage area. Many tropical rain forests were cut down in order to be developed into farmlands.

7 Sandstorm Everything was covered with sands. It looks like something like a bomb exploding not far away.

8 Water pollution caused by chemicals Huai River in china Michigan Lake in USA

9 An earthquake

10 The impact on human beings Many children suffer hunger. Because of pollution many children were born abnormal.


12 Which ones are caused by nature and which ones are caused by man? Rubbish, smoke, cutting, water pollution are caused by man and the others by nature.

13 The economy or the environment must we choose? A debate between an environmentalist and an economist

14 Have you ever seen a debate or even taken part in a debate? Do you know something about debates?

15 If you want to know more information on the problem, please read the text. The economy or the environment— must we choose?

16 Reading strategy: reading a debate What is the order of a debate? 1. One side: present their points first 2. The other side: follow and present their points 3. Have a discussion Speakers in a debate will represent opposite views.

17 The order of the debate: Lin Shuiqing presents his points. Qian Liwei presents his points. Open discussion.

18 Reading strategy: reading a debate What are the basic elements in a debate? Debate Clear views Persuasive language Convincing evidence Support your own idea only follow a certain order for the speakers

19 What side does Mr Lin Shuiqing and Mr Qian Liwei each represent? Mr lin represents the society for Environment Preservation while Mr Qian , an economist. Fast reading

20 2.. According to Mr. Lin Shuiqing, what is happening to large amounts of fish? They are being caught by fishing boats before they can lay eggs. He starts his speech by talking about the way large areas of the world are damaged by industrial waste. 1.. What does Lin Shuiqing start his speech by talking about? Detailed reading

21 3.. What does Lin Shuiqing think we should teach people about? He thinks we should teach people about environmentally friendly ways of living.

22 Lin Shuiqing recycling___ industrial waste___ population___ fishing___ water pollution___ production___ Qian Liwei taxes___ recycling___ factories___ production___ laws___ Put the subjects each speaker talks about in the correct order. 6 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 1 5 Detailed reading

23 SpeakerQian Liwei, an economist Views A1. _____ environment and a 2._______economy should be possible at the same time. Reasons 6_________ _ ● we should produce more things from7 _________ materials, and less from materials taken 8__________ from the environment. ● we need more 9___________ laws to10 _________ the environment. ● factories11 _________ the environment should pay higher 12___________. factories & industries ● 3. ________ the amount of pollution ● Spend money4. _________ the damage ● Be 5 _______ about the environment healthy stable Suggestions Control repairing concerned recycled effectivepreserve polluting taxes directly

24 Lin Shuiqing’s speech large areas of the world Factories produce poisonous chemicals place atmospheremake us sick waterseakill sea creatures be wiped out by fishing boats catch fish without giving them time to lay eggs a lasting effect upon the number of fish more people more landmore food6.5 billion be damaged by______________ be destroyed have died animals industrial waste =

25 cut back on production reduce the amount of things environmentally friendly ways of living Suggestions in Lin Shuiqing’s speech recycling

26 factories clouds of dirty smoke a pipe pouring chemical waste into a river as an economist be seen as being against the environment businessmen escape from the responsibilities to the environment money economic development is ____for the environment factories & industries control the amount of pollution spend money repairing the damage very concerned about the environment lose the jobs cut back on amount of things bad Qian Liwei’s speech

27 recycling more from recycled materials less directly from the environment more effective laws higher taxes the key to helping both sides produce preserve the environment do harm to the environment have to pay to do it Mr Qian Liwei’s suggestions


29 What can we do in our daily life in order to protect the environment?

30 Using handkerchief instead of the paper napkin. Using paper bag instead of plastic bag. Do not use one-off chopsticks. Throw cans, bottles, paper and plastic into the dustbin. …

31 Consolidation Finish the speech with the words in the box industry population waste economy responsibility reduce recycled Earth pollution environment

32 My aim in life is to save the for future generations. I want to become an environmentalist after I finish school. Too many people think that cannot be stopped if we want the to continue developing. But that is ridiculous. We can dangerous and dirty from factories if we are smart about what we buy. I want to teach people to buy products. The production of recycled things is much better for the environment, because it means we do not need to cut down more trees and cause the destruction of more forests. The will still grow, but Earth will not have to suffer. industry population waste economy responsibility reduce recycled Earth pollution environment environment pollution economy reduce waste recycled industry

33 We should also pay attention to what we eat. People should take for not buying certain kinds of fish, because there are not many left in the ocean. we also have a problem with. The number of people in the world keeps growing, and we are producing more rubbish. What if we run out of space? If we all work together, we can solve these problems and keep clean and healthy. industry population waste economy responsibility reduce recycled Earth pollution environment responsibility Earth population


35 1.Retell the speech 2.Finish the relevant exercises in your Unit Revision.


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