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UNCLASSIFIED Submitting NIBRS via N-DEx May 2014 10/12/20151 William F. See NIBRS Coordinator FBI UCR Program CJIS Division 304-625-3092

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1 UNCLASSIFIED Submitting NIBRS via N-DEx May 2014 10/12/20151 William F. See NIBRS Coordinator FBI UCR Program CJIS Division 304-625-3092

2 UNCLASSIFIED Proposed N-DEx to UCR Interface The original N-DEx concept of operations proposed capability that would forward NIBRS crime reporting data to UCR for agencies choosing to do so. Many assumptions about the operation and value of this interface persist.

3 UNCLASSIFIED Conceived NIBRS Submission Path 3 State UCR Programs All states except IN, MS, NM 7 LEAs NIBRS Reporting via N-DEx IA IEPD RMS DIRECT CONTRIBUTORS 6,548 LEAs State IBR Specifications ex. SCIBRS, OIBRS, WIBRS Hoover, AL PD Biloxi, MS PD Byram, MS PD Gulfport, MS PD State UCR Program Approved data only RMS STATE CONTRIBUTORS Adams County, MS SO Rockford, IL PD D.C. Metro Transit Authority

4 UNCLASSIFIED Proposed N-DEx to UCR Interface 2011 INSH/UCR Joint Subcommittee Meeting, discussed capability was proving more difficult, and possibly less beneficial, than originally believed. The following action was proposed: – “Request CJIS, N-DEx Program Office, UCR Program Office, UCR Subcommittee, and INSH Subcommittee to determine the options, policies, and implementations to use one IEPD for both N-DEx and UCR submissions that may remain separate at the discretion of the agency.”

5 UNCLASSIFIED Assumption #1 N-DEx could extract NIBRS from agencies’ N-DEx data contributions: – Many NIBRS required data elements are not stored in N-DEx and may only be derived at the time of submission. – Test submissions (TN & DE) indicate considerable rework and data mapping by agencies to prepare data for NIBRS submissions. – N-DEx submissions are not transactional. Therefore, NIBRS Modifications, Add arrest, and Delete actions would continue to be direct NIBRS submissions.

6 UNCLASSIFIED Assumption #2 Because N-DEx was originally based on NIBRS specification the N-DEx-IA-IEPD ‘contains’ NIBRS elements – N-DEx has a relaxed data validation posture whereas NIBRS is filled with data validation ‘edits’. – N-DEx web-services interface would not apply NIBRS edits leaving validation and responses to be performed and communicated off- line. – N-DEx expanded the traditional NIBRS fields to provide greater investigative value. – N-DEx had to re-introduce many of the traditional NIBRS fields into the N-DEx IEPD.

7 UNCLASSIFIED Assumption #3 Any N-DEx on-boarded agency could choose this capability for their crime data submissions. – With the exceptions of IN, MS, and NM, UCR submissions must come through the state UCR program. – Capability is only applicable in situations where the N-DEx submitting entity is also the state UCR program.

8 UNCLASSIFIED Assumption #4 Providing a single N-DEx interface, which would also support crime reporting needs, would be a cost savings for RMS vendors and LEAs. – Very few IBR agencies report NIBRS formatted data. Most report in state IBR formats. It is the state UCR program (in most cases) that establishes these requirements and translates data from state IBR to NIBRS format.

9 UNCLASSIFIED Assumption #5 Many agencies have assumed this is a functioning interface. – Although years of effort have been put into the development of this interface, only a few successful transactions have been tested and none have demonstrated an operations-ready capability.

10 UNCLASSIFIED N-DEx Subcommittee Motion The N-DEx Subcommittee has concluded the intended results of the N-DEx User NIBRS Pilot are not feasible. The N-DEx Subcommittee recognizes the validity of the concept and supports CJIS leading collaboration with the criminal justice and industry stakeholders to rationalize data exchange standards relating to information sharing and crime reporting to reduce cost and improve efficiency.

11 UNCLASSIFIED FBI CJIS Recommendation Discontinue N-DEx to NIBRS interface pilot. Continue CJIS activities to ‘harmonize’ XML formats such that underlying data definitions are consistent. – A long-term evolutionary approach to bring the contents of UCR and N-DEx IEPDs into alignment.

12 UNCLASSIFIED QUESTIONS? William F. See NIBRS Coordinator FBI UCR Program CJIS Division 304-625-3092 10/12/201512

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