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10/12/2015 NKM 1 Training Trainers 2001 Holding Safety Meetings For Monthly Employee Safety Training.

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Presentation on theme: "10/12/2015 NKM 1 Training Trainers 2001 Holding Safety Meetings For Monthly Employee Safety Training."— Presentation transcript:

1 10/12/2015 NKM 1 Training Trainers 2001 Holding Safety Meetings For Monthly Employee Safety Training

2 10/12/2015 NKM 2 Introduction Define the subject matter. *Monthly safety meetings. * The subject that month will tell you in advance how long. The lesson will take…. State what the audience will learn in this session. *TALK to your employees - DON’T READ from the paper. This means you have to read ahead to be familiar. with the subject……. *****Find out any relevant background and interest of the audience (*** this is just for training purposes). Anyone with speaking background…

3 10/12/2015 NKM 3 Agenda List the topics to be covered –Monthly safety meeting topics for this meeting –-Discuss specific incidents or near misses the previous week – Ask if anyone can think of any hazards that have not been addressed ** Discuss Safety Meeting Report

4 10/12/2015 NKM 4 Agenda List the times allotted to each –Allow enough time to cover the subject, (try not to make this a “down time” thing, as some subjects take more time) –-Are there photos, diagrams, or tools to see? –(Remember is they see an example – even a picture it will stay in their minds longer) –-Are there handouts? Did you make enough? –-Did you schedule time for questions and comments?

5 10/12/2015 NKM 5 Overview Give the big picture of the subject –Explain how all the individual topics fit together PIT eva c. EAP PPE Loto Fire Ext. Erg. Slip fall prev. Acc. Prev.

6 10/12/2015 NKM 6 Vocabulary Define the terms as used in this subject –If your Safety Subject has terms that may not be understood – you will need to take time to explain : this is also a good time for questions; such as: “Who can tell me what the sign would say that would tell you that you could be hurt badly; or that there are hazards in the area?”

7 10/12/2015 NKM 7 Topic One – Your Assignment Explain details. –Review your topic – (15 min) make notes on the paper to help you with talk. –Give an example, show a picture, use props Exercise to re-enforce learning.

8 10/12/2015 NKM 8 Topic Two Critique Share ideas – encourage employee involvement Exercise to re-enforce learning Allow 15 minutes for review of subject and have Supervisor give a safety talk to group

9 10/12/2015 NKM 9 Summary State what has been learned Define ways to apply training Request feedback of training session

10 10/12/2015 NKM 10 Where to Get More Information Other training sessions –Each month – I will give hints, have prop (when applicable to safety subject)

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