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ELEMENTS OF FICTION. CHARACTERS A character is a person, animal, or imaginary creature 2 Kinds of Characters: Protagonist: main character or hero Antagonist:

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2 CHARACTERS A character is a person, animal, or imaginary creature 2 Kinds of Characters: Protagonist: main character or hero Antagonist: another character which causes conflict for the protagonist. The antagonist can be a character, society, or object.

3 CHARACTERIZATION A description of individuals in a story 5 Ways to Develop a Character: 1.Physical Description of Character 2.Character’s Speech, Thought, and Actions 3.The Speech, Thoughts, and Actions of Other Characters 4.Eye-Awakening Situations 5.Direct Statement about Character

4 SETTING Where and When a story takes place

5 PLOT The sequence of events in a story 5 Parts of Plot: 1.Exposition 2.Rising Action 3.Climax 4.Falling Action 5.Resolution

6 PLOT DIAGRAM Climax Rising Action Falling Action Exposition Resolution

7 PLOT- EXPOSITION -the beginning part of a story that: Sets the tone Establishes the setting Introduces characters Gives the reader important background information

8 PLOT- RISING ACTION series of actions which lead the story to the climax

9 PLOT- CLIMAX “turning point” of the story The climax is the point of maximum interest. It usually occurs toward the end of a story, after the reader has understood the conflict and become emotionally involved with the characters. At the climax, the outcome of the plot becomes clear.

10 PLOT- FALLING ACTION occurs after the climax conflicts are beginning to be resolved- loose ends are tied up

11 PLOT- RESOLUTION part of the story where the problem or conflict is solved occurs after the climax and falling action “the end”

12 CONFLICT struggle between a character and an opposing force 2 Kinds of Conflict: Internal Conflict External Conflict

13 EXTERNAL CONFLICT struggle between a character and an outside force such as society, nature, or another character Man vs. Man Man vs. Nature Man vs. Society Man vs. Animal Man vs. Machine Man vs. Technology

14 INTERNAL CONFLICT struggle within a character’s mind usually occurs when a character has to make a decision or to deal with feelings Man Vs. Self

15 THEME The underlying message in a story that deals with life or human nature When determining theme, think about: the title the way a character changes and what they learn Big ideas such as courage and freedom

16 LITERARY DEVICES Simile: A comparison of two different things or ideas through the use of the words “like” or “as.” Ex. The warrior fought like a lion. Metaphor: A comparison of two things that are basically dissimilar in which one is described in terms of the other. Ex. The moon, a haunting lantern, shone through the clouds. Imagery: visually descriptive or figurative language, esp. in a literary work. Ex. On a starry winter night in Portugal

17 LITERARY DEVICES CONTINUED… Personification: Personification is giving human characteristics to non-living things or ideas. Ex. The bees played hide and seek with the flowers as they buzzed from one to another. Allusion: When an author refers to characters or events from history or other pieces of literature Ex. She was beautiful like Venus, the Goddess of love. Tone: The atmosphere in a literary work or the attitude the author puts in a literary work. Ex. The gloom and representation of decay is the main tone of Poe’s The Fall of the House of Usher.

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