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Literary Elements, OR Ms. Rine, what should I look for when I am reading? Carol Alford Rine, English Teacher.

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Presentation on theme: "Literary Elements, OR Ms. Rine, what should I look for when I am reading? Carol Alford Rine, English Teacher."— Presentation transcript:

1 Literary Elements, OR Ms. Rine, what should I look for when I am reading? Carol Alford Rine, English Teacher

2 When you get a book in your hands-  Look at the cover  What does the picture tell you?  Have you read a book by this author before?  Make some judgements about the book

3 Look inside the book-  Look at the length of the book  Look inside at the chapter divisions, pictures, etc.  Make some judgements about the book

4 Begin reading-  Read the first chapter carefully  An author will introduce you to a lot of information in this initial chapter

5 Characterization-  Who are the characters?  Ask your self questions about these people? Is this an important person to the story?Is this an important person to the story? Do you like this person?Do you like this person? How does the author reveal these characters?How does the author reveal these characters?

6 Revealing the characters-  A narrator might tell you about the character(s)  The character might describe his or her own feelings  An author may show you the actions of the character  Other characters might talk about a character--This is known as {DIALOGUE}!

7 Is there a problem?  Does the character run into a problem?  Every story contains a problem  This is known as a CONFLICT!  If the conflict has not occurred yet, do you sense a problem developing as you read the story?

8 The roller coaster-  The way a story goes up and down is often like a ride on a roller coaster  This is known as the PLOT  Many times the roller coaster will reach a high point  This is known as the CLIMAX

9 Do you notice anything special about the author’s style?  Authors have a certain style  Styles could be: written with different points of viewwritten with different points of view written in journal entrieswritten in journal entries written in letterswritten in letters written in free versewritten in free verse

10 Now that you’ve finished--  Did you enjoy the book?  It’s fine if you didn’t  You can learn from books that you like and don’t like

11 Resolution  How was the problem solved?  The resolution is the slowing down of the roller coaster. Following the climax of the novel, the roller coaster will go back down hill and eventually come to a complete stop. This is the resolution.

12 What did you learn?  Did you learn something about people different from you?  Did you learn about new places?  Did you experience any emotions when reading?

13 You did it!  When you finish reading a book, you will take new people and places away with you. They are forever a part of you. You have broadened your mind, but it was all done by you and the experiences and images your brain created from the words the author has given you.  This is a marvelous exchange between you and the writer  CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!

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