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Lymphatic System and Heart Disease. Do Now  Please draw a Venn Diagram. One circle should be labeled ‘Veins’ the other circle should be labeled ‘lymphatic.

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Presentation on theme: "Lymphatic System and Heart Disease. Do Now  Please draw a Venn Diagram. One circle should be labeled ‘Veins’ the other circle should be labeled ‘lymphatic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lymphatic System and Heart Disease

2 Do Now  Please draw a Venn Diagram. One circle should be labeled ‘Veins’ the other circle should be labeled ‘lymphatic vessels’  Compare and contrast.

3 Homework Due Today  Questions on page 961, 1-3 1.List the main functions of plasma, red blood cell, white blood cells and platelets. 2.Hemophilia is a genetic disorder that results from a defective protein in the clotting pathway. What do you think happens to a person with hemophilia who has a minor cut? 3.Describe the role of the lymphatic system 4.How are the functions of veins and the lymphatic vessels similar? How are they different? (Venn Diagram) 5.What are the risk factors for the three common diseases of the circulatory system? 6.Why do you think atherosclerosis may lead to hypotension?

4 Answers 1.Plasma contains dissolved gases and salts; RBCs carry oxygen; WBCs fight infection; platelets clot blood 2.Hemophiliacs would bleed uncontrollably 3.Collects lymph and returns it to the circulatory system, removes microorganisms from the blood, and helps absorb fats and fat soluble vitamins from the digestive tract 4.Venn Diagram 5.High fat diet, lack of exercise, being overweight, smoking, having diabetes, age, family history, gender 6.The heart exerts more pressure to push blood through stiff veins, leading to hypertension

5 Also Due Today…  Chapter 33.2 Worksheet  Lab Questions Handout

6 Homework for Tomorrow  COME TO CLASS TOMORROW ON TIME  On time – 10/10 homework grade  Late – 0/10 homework grade

7  Plasma  90% water  10% dissolved gases, salts, nutrients, enzymes, hormones, etc.  Helps control body temperature  Albumin, globulins, and fibrinogen Review

8  Red Blood Cells  Most numerous cells in blood  Transport oxygen  Get their color from iron in hemoglobin  Binds oxygen in the lungs  Produced by cells in red bone marrow  Circulate for average of 120 days Review

9  White Blood Cells  Also called, leukocytes  Guard against infection  Increased levels signify a fight against serious infection  Outnumbered by RBCs 1000 to 1  Can live for years Review

10  Platelets  Plasma proteins and cell fragments  Assist with the clotting of blood Review

11 Lymphatic System  Network of vessels, nodes and organs that collect lymph that leaves capillaries, checks for microorganisms, and returns it to the circulatory system  There is no pump; lymph is moved via pressure created from skeletal muscles  When injury or disease blocks lymph vessels, lymph can collect in tissues, causing swelling

12 Lymphatic System  About 500-600 lymph nodes in you body  Under jaw  Armpits  Groin

13 Organs of the Lymphatic System  Thymus – located beneath the sternum  Matures lymphocytes  A type of white blood cell, helps with immune system functions  Spleen – Upper right quadrant  Filters blood of microorganisms and other loose debris

14 Circulatory System Disease  Heart Disease  Stroke  High Blood Pressure  Heart disease is the leading killer in the United States

15 Heart Disease Facts (CDC)  600,000 people die of heart disease each year in the US  1 in 4  Leading cause of death in both men and women  Every year, 935,000 Americans have a heart attack  610,000 of those are ‘First timers’

16 Heart Disease Facts (CDC) RACE OF ETHNIC GROUP% OF DEATHS African Americans24.5 American Indians or Alaska Natives18 Asians or Pacific Islanders23.2 Hispanics20.8 Whites25.1 All25


18 Cholesterol  Lipid (fat) that is part of animal cell membranes  Synthesizes hormones, bile and vitamin D  Vitamin D – cell growth and immune function  Cholesterol is in HDL and LDL  LDL – Bad cholesterol  Becomes a part of plaque  HDL – Good Cholesterol  Transports cholesterol from tissues and arteries to the liver for removal

19 HDL/LDL  Cholesterol should be between 100 – 200 mg / dL  LDL – less than 100 mg/dL  HDL  Men – greater than 40 mg/dL  Women – greater than 50 mg/dL

20 PREVENTION  It is much easier to prevent heart disease than cure it  Starts when you’re young  Includes  Balanced diet  Regular Exercise  Not smoking  Exercise strengthens the heart and helps it work more efficiently

21 Homework for Tomorrow  COME TO CLASS TOMORROW ON TIME  On time – 10/10 homework grade  Late – 0/10 homework grade

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