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1-2 6 th grade math Comparing and Ordering Decimals.

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1 1-2 6 th grade math Comparing and Ordering Decimals

2 Objective To compare and order decimals. Why? To help you understand the value of all types of numbers

3 California State Standards NS 1.1 : Compare and order … decimals… MR 1.0: Make decisions about how to approach problems.

4 Vocabulary Decimal -Comes from Latin word, decem, meaning 10. Decimals’ values: Each place in a decimal is 10 times the value to its right. -Tenths, hundredths, thousandths, ten-thousandths, hundred-thousandths, millionths, ten-millionths, hundred- millionths, billionths, …

5 How to Compare and Order Decimals 1) Make the comparing decimals equal in ‘length’ by adding zeros to the end. 2) Now just read or compare the numbers. The ‘bigger’ number is larger than the other. means greater than; = means equal or same. 3) You can check your work by comparing each place one-by-one in the decimals. 0.59 ___ 0.583 = 0.590 ___ 0.583 (not 59 and 583) = 590 and 583 = 0.590 > 0.583 0.357 ___ 0.359 (same ‘length’) 0.357 __<__ 0.359 1.4357 ____ 1.3475 1.4357 __>__ 1.3475

6 When ordering 3 or more decimals. 1) Be sure that all decimals are the same ‘length’. 2a) Now just read or compare the numbers. The ‘bigger’ number is larger than the other. means greater than; = means equal or same. 2b) You can also line up the number. Be SURE to line up the decimals! 3) You can check your work by comparing each place one- by-one in the decimals. Order least to greatest… 0.347; 0.349; 0.336 (all decimals same ‘length’) = 0.336, 0.347, 0.349 2.71; 2.6; 2.65 = 2.71; 2.60; 2.65 = 2.60; 2.65; 2.71 3.46; 3.7; 3.448 3.460 3.700 3.448 = 3.448; 3.460; 3.7

7 Try It! Use, or = 1)18.499 ___ 8.5 2)9.760 ___ 9.76 3)6.35 ___ 6.357 4) order least to greatest: 0.04; 0.93; 0.99; 0.75 1) 18.499 __>__ 8.500 2) 9.760 __=__ 9.760 3) 6.350 __<__ 6.357 4) 0.04; 0.93; 0.99; 0.75 (all the same length) 0.04 0.93 0.99 0.75 = 0.04; 0.75; 0.93; 0.99

8 Objective Review To compare and order decimals. Why? You can now compare and order decimals. Comparing decimals is similar to comparing whole numbers. Compare each place of each number digit-by-digit.

9 Independent Practice Complete problems 5- 16 Copy original problem first. Show all work! If time, complete Mixed Review: 17-24 If still more time, work on Accelerated Math.

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