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Period 2, 5, & 6  We will examine the importance of the buffalo and the conflict over land in the West.  Chapter 5.1 Notes  Chapter 5.2 Reading  Westward.

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Presentation on theme: "Period 2, 5, & 6  We will examine the importance of the buffalo and the conflict over land in the West.  Chapter 5.1 Notes  Chapter 5.2 Reading  Westward."— Presentation transcript:

1 Period 2, 5, & 6  We will examine the importance of the buffalo and the conflict over land in the West.  Chapter 5.1 Notes  Chapter 5.2 Reading  Westward Trail Game

2 Chapter 5  Spanish brought horses to America  Native Americans moved onto the Great Plains to hunt Buffalo  Native Americans made tepees from hides, clothes, shoes, and food from Buffalo

3  Discovering gold attracted many to the West  Many of the gold mines were located on Native American land  Gold rush in the Black Hills led to conflict between Sioux and US Army


5  US Army was wiped out at the Battle of the Little Big Horn  Custer’s Last Stand resulted in over 200 US soldiers being killed by the Sioux and Cheyenne.

6  Dawes Act: Goal was to “Americanize” Native Americans  Divided up reservation land, taught Native American children English and Christianity.

7  The biggest problem for the Native Americans was the destruction of the Buffalo  Buffalo hunters were wiping out the main source of food, clothing, and shelter for the plains Indians.

8  Sioux turned to the Ghost Dance to save their tribe  If the ritual was performed, then Native Americans land and way of life would be restored.  Led to massacre at Wounded Knee

9 Cattle Become Big Business  Vaqueros influence the American Cowboy - chaparreras jerky - charquimustang - bronco caballoranch - rancholeather overalls - mestenosrough horse Also the terms corral and rodeo have Spanish origins.



12  Cowboys were not in great demand until the railroads reached the Great Plains  After the Civil War the demand for beef grew  Railroads brought cattle to Chicago


14  Cowboys worked 10 – 14 hours per day  Age between 15 and 40  Roundup was done to bring herd together  Branding of cows occurred before the long drive  Driving the cattle took 3 months

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