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Reconfiguration Based Fault-Tolerant Systems Design - Survey of Approaches Jan Balach, Jan Balach, Ondřej Novák FIT, CTU in Prague MEMICS 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Reconfiguration Based Fault-Tolerant Systems Design - Survey of Approaches Jan Balach, Jan Balach, Ondřej Novák FIT, CTU in Prague MEMICS 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reconfiguration Based Fault-Tolerant Systems Design - Survey of Approaches Jan Balach, Jan Balach, Ondřej Novák FIT, CTU in Prague MEMICS 2010

2 Outline ► Introduction ► FPGAs and SEU ► ► Reconfiguration based Fault-Tolerant designs   Improved testing   FT structures based on partial reconfiguration   High-performance FT design   Tranzistor & gate level reconfiguration ► ► Flash-based FPGAs ► ► Reconfigurable Electronics for Space ► ► Conclusion

3 Introduction ► SRAM-Based FPGA ► FPGA is the most used platform for developing new designs and systems ► FPGA dependability and reliability are most discussed issues

4 FPGAs and SEU ► FPGA is sensitive to natural radiation effects, the most discussed ones are so called Single Event Upsets ► SEU can impact FPGA in different ways:   Change of conguration memory   Generated pulse on interconnection   Causing Latch-up   Affecting non-programed part of FPGA   Affecting clock domain distribution ► ► Different situation requires specific solution

5 Reconfiguration based Fault-Tolerant designs ► Fault-Tolerant desing = redundancy ► Redundancy serves only for a given time ► We have to use reconfiguration to keep FPGA’s FT parameters ► There are different ways how we can use reconfiguration to achieve FT design

6 Improved testing I. ► Testing is important part of dependable design flow ► Testing allows us to:  Prove design right functionality  Localize Faults  Prevent latent Faults

7 Improved testing II. ► BIST architecture based on reconfiguration ► Improved Test Access Mechanism ► Can obtain high overhead caused by bus macros Picture from: Rozkovec, M., Novak, O., “Structural test of programmed FPGA circuits"

8 FT structures based on partial reconfiguration I. ► Reconfiguration allows various options how to implement FT design ► Basic idea is to divide design in smaller parts which can be reconfigured/replaced ► Smaller the parts bigger the overhead is, we need to find trade-off

9 FT structures based on partial reconfiguration - app. A* ► Each application divided into many small so called partial reconfigurable modules ► Reconfiguration supervised by partial reconfigurable controller ► Good fault localization, fault impacts smaller area of design, can obtain high HW overhead (bus macros), synchronization issues after reconfiguration *) Straka M., Kastil J., Kotasek Z., “Fault Tolerant Structure for SRAM-based FPGA via Partial Dynamic Reconguration"

10 FT structures based on partial reconfiguration - App. B* *) Borecky J., Kohlik M., Kubatova H., Kubalik P., “Fault Coverage Improvement based on Fault Simulation and Partial Duplication"

11 FT structures based on partial reconfiguration - App. B ► Fault impacts relatively big part of design ► Obtained HW overhead is smaller ► Synchronization after reconfiguration has to be solved

12 FT structures based on partial reconfiguration - App. C* ► Self-Repair Dual FPGA architecture used ► Design divided into columns, spares columns allow Self-Repair ability ► Soft microcontroller evaluates flags from second FPGA, in case of error, faulty FPGA is reconfigured by another one ► Obtaining good trade-off between overhead and fault localization ► Using same bit stream in both FPGA can be risky *) S. Mitra, W.-J. Huang, N. R. Saxena, S.-Y. Yu, E.J. McCluskey, “Recongurable Architecture for Autonomous Self Repair"

13 High-performance FT system* ► SEU dosage varies with place on the orbit = we can use reconfiguration to switch modes ► When lower density of SEU we can switch to High-performance or power-safe mode ► Using High-Performance mode speeds-up computation by 2.3x compared to use of standard TMR *) Jacobs, A., George, A.D., Cieslewski, G.,”Recongurable fault tolerance: A frame-work for environmentally adaptive fault mitigation in space”

14 Transistor and gate level reconfiguration* ► Reconfiguration is performed on transistor/gate level ► Redundant N/P diffusions can tolerate faults in silicon *) H. T. Vierhaus, "Transistor and Gate Level Self Repair for Logic Circuits"

15 Transistor and gate level reconfiguration ► Replacing whole faulty gate ► Obtained HW overhead is between 30-120% ► Requires supervising in layout Taken from: H. T. Vierhaus, "Transistor and Gate Level Self Repair for Logic Circuits"

16 Flash-based FPGA ► Configuration stored in Flash memory ► Alternative platform to develop FT design ► ► Intrinsically SEU hard configuration memory ► ► Slower then SRAM-based FPGAs ► ► Higher voltage required to perform programming

17 Reconfigurable Electronics for Space* ► NASA Rovers on MARS ► On board Xilinx FPGA ► Reconfiguration performed by ASIC Analog/Digital SRAAs ► FPGA implements digital interface between PC and Proto Board *) Didier Keymeulen, "Self-Repairing and Tuning Recongurable Electronics for Space"

18 Conclusion I. ► Reconfiguration allows us to created FT design in FPGA ► Reconfiguration based systems fight high area overhead ► Synchronization issues is mostly overlooked, but it has to be solved

19 Conclusion II. ► FPGA reconfiguration for space applications is due to harsh environment unreliable ► Most approaches don’t take into account industrial requirements ► Areas like aerospace or railway can benefit from reconfiguration

20 Thank you for your attention

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