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Read the following quote: “Authentic patriotism is not about you, what you believe or what you think is right. . . . Authentic patriotism is not an opinion.

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Presentation on theme: "Read the following quote: “Authentic patriotism is not about you, what you believe or what you think is right. . . . Authentic patriotism is not an opinion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Read the following quote: “Authentic patriotism is not about you, what you believe or what you think is right Authentic patriotism is not an opinion. It is an action. .” Some people define themselves by what they believe, while others allow their actions to speak for them. Think carefully about this idea. Write an essay explaining whether a person’s actions or a person’s thoughts are more important.

2 1. What’s the first thing you should do with your prompt?
2. If you’re asked a question, what should you do? 3. To answer a question, what two steps do you have to take? 4. What is the overall importance of your answer? What truism can you put to it. 5. to write a truism, think of what is important in your prompt and give an over-arching ideal about it: Ex: Write an essay explaining why courage is necessary. “It is essential to have strength in the face of adversity.” EXPLAIN YOUR TRUISM

3 Now rearrange: HEaT Hook Explanation of hook and Thesis statement

4 Next You need to look back through your writing. Change repetition
Look for places where you could use more academic vocabulary.

5 And Body Paragraphs! Books/ Movies Historical Figures/ Events/ Places
Current Figures/ Events Places Personal Experience **If you cannot list three facts about your example AND give one reason why it connects to your thesis, you should not use it!

6 Body #1 Begin with “In the (movie/book) ______Title___________,
Explain what happened in 3-4 sentences EXPLAIN WHY it is relevant to your thesis

7 Body #2 Begin with a transition word.
“Likewise” if the situation is the same “Unlike” if the situation is completely different “While” if you want to contrast them. Explain your example in 3-4 sentences EXPLAIN WHY your source is relevant to your thesis.

8 Conclusion Connect your thesis back to your truism. So what?
Explain why your thesis is important. Can you offer any kind of solution? Conclude with an interesting insight. What do you have to say about this topic? What has your writing/thinking shown you?

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