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Ten Top Tips How to succeed at OCR Nationals ICT delivery.

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Presentation on theme: "Ten Top Tips How to succeed at OCR Nationals ICT delivery."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ten Top Tips How to succeed at OCR Nationals ICT delivery

2 Choose Units carefully and plan to build on experience and expertise from Unit to Unit.

3 Link units together …..some examples: 20 - Creating animation (30glh) 21 - Creating computer graphics (30glh) 22 - Creating sound (30glh) 23 - Creating video (30glh) – Can be linked with 2 - Webpage creation (60glh) 4 - Multimedia products (60glh)

4 New from Jan 08 Unit 1 - ICT Skills for Business (additional model assignment) Unit 2 - Webpage Creation (additional model assignment) Unit 3 - Digital Imaging - plan and produce computer graphics Unit 4 - Design and Produce multimedia products Unit 5 - Desktop Publishing Unit 6 - Spreadsheets - design and use Unit 7 - Databases - design and use (additional model assignment) Unit 8 - Technological innovation and e-commerce Unit 13 - IT systems and user needs Unit 20 - Creating animation for the WWW using ICT Unit 21 - Creating computer graphics (additional model assignment) Unit 22 - Creating sound using ICT Unit 23 - Creating video

5 Ensure students are familiar with the use of the software before starting the portfolio work.

6 There is no substitute for the OCR specification

7 Double check that all Pass criteria have been met before awarding a grade

8 Provide the moderator with some annotation /explanation for your assessment decisions.

9 Provide the moderator with electronic versions of the final product.

10 Choose a range of suitable items for review

11 Research and design are not homework or cover activities

12 Set high standards at all times.

13 Mark each AO on completion – don’t leave all marking to the end.

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