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Levels of Organization Organ Systems of the Body.

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2 Levels of Organization

3 Organ Systems of the Body

4 Anatomical Landmarks


6 Common Term 1. CranialSkull 2. CervicalNeck 3. AcromialShoulder 4. ThoracicChest 5. AbdominalBelly 6. GlutealButtock 7. InguinalGroin 8. AxillaryArmpit 9. BrachialArm 10. Olecranon / AntecubitalElbow (back) / Fossa (front) 11. AntebrachiumForearm 12. CarpalWrist 13. ManualHand 14. Digits (Phalanges)Fingers 15. FemoralThigh 16. PatellarKnee (front) 17. PoplitealBack of knee 18. CruralLeg (front) 19. SuralCalf (back) 20. TarsalAnkle Selected anatomical regions and commonly used “layperson’s” terminology.

7 Abdominopelvic Quadrants and Regions



10 Sectional Planes

11 1. Frontal (Coronal) plane Sectional Anatomy Three sectional planes 3. Transverse (Horizontal) plane 2. Sagittal plane (mid- and para-) Longitudinal

12 Body Cavities

13 Anterior (Ventral) Posterior (Dorsal)


15 Dorsal Body Cavity 1. Cranial Cavity Contains the brain and CSF. Protects this delicate tissue. 2. Spinal Cavity Contains the spinal cord and CSF. Protects this delicate tissue.

16 Ventral Body Cavity 1. Thoracic Cavity Contains: a) Plural cavities (lungs inside). b) Mediastinum i) Pericardial cavity (heart). 2. Abdominopelvic Cavity Contains: stomach, intestines, gallbladder, liver, spleen, bladder, reproductive organs.

17 B. Pericardium - lines the pericardial cavity. Mediastinum Contains: Heart, thymus, trachea, esophagus, vessels (aorta), nerves. A. Pleura - membrane lining the pleural cavities. Serous Membranes - line ventral body cavities, has 2 portions: Visceral Parietal

18 Peritoneum - lines the peritoneal cavity (this is inside the abdominal cavity). The Abdominopelvic cavity contains the Peritoneal cavity Mesenteries - support and stabilize the digestive organs in abdominal cavity.

19 Directional References

20 The relative position and orientation of the scans shown in parts b-d.

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