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Multi Touch Screen Yong Du Ayyappan Iyer. Multi Touch Screen.

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Presentation on theme: "Multi Touch Screen Yong Du Ayyappan Iyer. Multi Touch Screen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Multi Touch Screen Yong Du Ayyappan Iyer

2 Multi Touch Screen

3 Multi touch Components Multi-touch consists of a touch screen or touchpad that recognizes multiple simultaneous touch points and software to interpret simultaneous touches.touch screen touchpad

4 Sensing Technique FTIR(Frustrated Total Internal Reflection)

5 Multi Touch History Began in 1982 – University of Toronto & Bell Labs. Further Enhancements – University of Delaware: 1990. a)Sophisticated 2-handed typing & gesture systems. b)Basis for iGesture mousepads & touchscreen keyboards by FingerWorks: 2001. Founders joined Apple: 2005.

6 Jefferson Y. Han Research Scientist at New York University’s “Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences. Owner of Perceptive Pixel, Inc. Developer of interface- free touch driven screens. Developer of various customized graphic applications to be run on multi touch screen.

7 Products using this technology Lemur Input Device – 1 st commercial multi-touch display: 2005. Apple iPhones – 2007. Other products using multi-touch with more diverse finger gestures: Apple's iPod touch, MacBook Air & Microsoft’s Surface Technology. Apple’s plan to implement above technology in following generations of MacBook and MacBook Pro Notebooks, similar to iPhones & MacBook Air.

8 Unique features Multiple independent touch senses. Customizable to use any compatible software and applications. Rotation of 3D Images in either direction. Support for multiple interactive user sessions.

9 Potential future applications of technology Graphic Designing. Interactive maps. Computer screens – keyboards and mouse interaction using fingers. Games. Military & Space Command Control Centre.

10 Sample Multi Touch Demo Video j1BbZf58

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