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Title I Administration Made Easier Fall Title I Statewide Conference November 5, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Title I Administration Made Easier Fall Title I Statewide Conference November 5, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Title I Administration Made Easier Fall Title I Statewide Conference November 5, 2014

2 Purpose  Offer suggestions on ways to improve efficiencies and implementation of Title I programs  Help ease the burden of administering the Title I grant Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 2

3 Tip 1: Don’t recreate the wheel  Our office has created templates for just about any required Title I document  Find them all here:  Note: This is an excellent way to ensure each document contains all the requirements  Supplement vs. Supplant policies  Time and Effort reports (including stipends)  Outreach letter to private schools Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 3

4 Tip 2: If you are new, start here:  Make sure you are listed as the Title I Director in Directory Administration  Title I handbook document extremely helpful for new directors:  Title I website has a list of all major topics with resources: Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 4

5 Tip 3: Document, document, document!  Document and save the work the district is doing:  Outreach to parents/guardians  Meeting agendas  Meeting notes  Sign-in sheets  Important emails  Include date on documents when you revise them  Find a system that is simple and works for you Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 5

6 Tip 4: Your colleagues are a great source of information  There are opportunities to learn from and share information with your colleagues  Regional Networking Meetings  Title I Conferences  CACE (Council of Administrators for Compensatory Education)  ESE website lists all the Title I Directors: Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 6

7 Tip 5: Private school outreach  When reaching out to private schools to inquire about their participation in Title I services:  1. Use email first  2. If no response, then send a letter by certified mail  Why?  Email is free  Emails and certified mail are simple to document Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 7

8 Tip 6: Private school documentation  Keep every communication with private schools in a folder for easy access later  (If records are kept electronically) Keep in an easily accessible folder:  Emails to districts inviting them to participate  Scanned images of return-receipts for certified letters  Signed documents confirming participation (or not) in Title I program  Template letter to be sent every year Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 8

9 Tip 7: Combine requirements  Title I requires parents to be notified that they have the right to know teacher and paraprofessional qualifications  Title I requires that a report card (overview) be sent to parents each year  Have ONE document for both requirements  See our website for an example Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 9

10 Tip 8: Apply for funds quickly  Applying for Title I funds as early as possible yields several benefits  The sooner the district is approved, the sooner they can begin spending Title I funds  Turnaround time for ESE to review the grant can be much quicker Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 10

11 Tip 9: Combine amendments  Every year many districts receive increases to their allocation (winter/early spring)  If a district needs to make an amendment around that time, combine that change with the increase amount and only do one amendment  Consider doing Title I and Title IIA amendments together Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 11

12 Tip 10: Rethink “Title I Meetings”  If a school/district’s annual Title I meetings are not well attended, consider other options  Title I meetings can be held on the same evenings as other, more well attended events:  Back-to-School nights  Sporting events  School musical or artistic performances  Parent/Teacher conferences Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 12

13 Tip 11: Common ways of getting parent input  PTO or Parent Council  School Council (which are required to have parents)  Parent surveys Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 13

14 Tip 12: Use old money first  Grants have a two year life cycle.  FY15 grants can be spent July 1, 2014-June 30, 2016  If unspent after two years, the money could be returned to the federal government  Always make sure last year’s funds get spent  Utilize the amendment process if necessary  Use FY14 money now! Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 14

15 Tip 13: Meet regularly with the business manager  Can reduce incidents of:  Over/under spending in a line item  Needing to complete amendments  Funds being inadvertently misused Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 15

16 Tip 14: Know your district’s “control user” for grants  In some districts the grant management control user is the business manager  If they are different people, talk to both regularly as that will provide a complete fiscal picture Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 16

17 Helpful Resources  Title I Website:  Grant Application Materials  Title I Program  Program Design  Title I Handbook and Guidance  Program Review  Email:  Phone: 781-338-6230 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 17

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