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Hinduism and Buddhism Develop

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1 Hinduism and Buddhism Develop
Chapter 3-Section 2

2 Buddha Seeks Enlightenment
Siddhartha Gautama- Founder of Buddhism Legend said if he: Stayed Home = World Leader Left Home = Spiritual Leader To make sure he became both his dad isolated him in his palace – only allowed to leave 4 times.

3 Siddhartha spends life searching for an end to suffering.
Wandered India for six years. Meditated under fig tree for 49 days. Achieved understanding of the cause of suffering in the world. Was known as the Buddha, meaning “the enlightened one”.

4 Buddha Seeks Enlightenment
The Four Noble Truths- Life is filled with suffering and sorrow. The cause of suffering is selfish desire for temporary pleasure. To end all suffering you must end all desires. To overcome desires and attain enlightenment, one must follow the Eightfold path (the “middle way” between desires and self-denial)

5 Buddha Seeks Enlightenment
The Eightfold Path Right View Right Thought Right Speech Right Behavior Right Livelihood Right Effort Right Mindfulness Right Meditation If you follow the Eightfold path and you’ll reach Nirvana

6 Buddha Seeks Enlightenment
The Three Jewels of Buddhism Sangha (Religious Community) The Buddha Dharma (Religious Teachings)

7 Buddha Seeks Enlightenment
Buddhism was founded in India but over time became absorbed by Hinduism

8 Many of Buddha's early followers were the ‘untouchable’s’ because Buddha rejected the idea of a Hindu caste system Monks and nuns took vows to live a life of poverty and never marry They wandered throughout India, spreading Buddha’s messages – but it was traders who carried Buddhism’s message out of India. The teachings of Buddha were written down after his death

9 3 signs: 1. circling a shrine 2. lying face down 3. offering flowers …are important rituals

10 Web links

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