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The Second New Deal. Background After two years, there were not enough gains in the economy Roosevelt introduced more reforms to build on the New Deal.

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Presentation on theme: "The Second New Deal. Background After two years, there were not enough gains in the economy Roosevelt introduced more reforms to build on the New Deal."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Second New Deal

2 Background After two years, there were not enough gains in the economy Roosevelt introduced more reforms to build on the New Deal 1936: elected to his 2 nd term

3 Focus on Farmers Reforms helped sharecroppers Resettlement Act: gave loans to sharecroppers to buy land Created camps for migrant workers so they could live safely.

4 Works Progress Administration 8 million workers Built airports, roads, streets, and buildings Took pictures and recorded histories


6 Social Security Act Retirement plan for people over 65 Unemployment system Way to get the older citizens out of work force so that younger generations could work Aid for families with disabled people or dependant children

7 Rural Electricity Enhanced programs like the TVA to bring electricity to rural areas 90% of rural families did not have electricity

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