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Evolutionary Paradigm PARADIGM- set of assumptions about the nature of the phenomena to be studied and how it will be approached. An accepted theoretical.

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Presentation on theme: "Evolutionary Paradigm PARADIGM- set of assumptions about the nature of the phenomena to be studied and how it will be approached. An accepted theoretical."— Presentation transcript:

1 Evolutionary Paradigm PARADIGM- set of assumptions about the nature of the phenomena to be studied and how it will be approached. An accepted theoretical framework

2 Evolutionary Theories Natural Selection TheoryNatural Selection Theory Sexual Selection TheorySexual Selection Theory Sociobiological TheorySociobiological Theory

3 Natural Selection Theory Understand the basic principles of Natural Selection Know some examples of NS in action Understand terms

4 Individuals within a species vary

5 Behavioral variation

6 Traits are heritable

7 Behaviors related too...

8 More offspring will be produced than will survive (drives competition)More offspring will be produced than will survive (drives competition) Individuals with favorable traits will have an advantage over others without those traits.Individuals with favorable traits will have an advantage over others without those traits. Those that survive will produce more offspring.Those that survive will produce more offspring. Survival is dependent on contextSurvival is dependent on context

9 VI. Some examples Peppered MothPeppered Moth

10 Modern Day Finches

11 Directional Selection

12 Behavioral changes

13 Unit of selection Natural Selection works on the level of the individual.Natural Selection works on the level of the individual. Evolution works on the level of the populationEvolution works on the level of the population

14 Sexual Selection

15 The differential ability of individuals to acquire mates- features evolve, not to enhance survival but to make one more attractive to a mate and compete for access to mates. Male male competition Female choice

16 Sociobiology “the systematic study of the biological basis for behavior” E. O. Wilson – –Reproductive success- number of offspring produced. – –Genetic fitness- the relative contribution of one’s genes into the next generation

17 TERMINOLOGY Natural Selection- mechanism of evolutionary change for survival. Evolution- changes (genetic) within populations.Natural Selection- mechanism of evolutionary change for survival. Evolution- changes (genetic) within populations. Sexual Selection- mechanism of evolutionary change for reproduction (mate choice, competition).Sexual Selection- mechanism of evolutionary change for reproduction (mate choice, competition). Sociobiology-theory that states that behavior has a biological basis, behaviors can function as adaptations to improve overall reproductive success of an individual.Sociobiology-theory that states that behavior has a biological basis, behaviors can function as adaptations to improve overall reproductive success of an individual.

18 More Terminology Fitness- an individual’ relative genetic contribution to the next generation.Fitness- an individual’ relative genetic contribution to the next generation. Reproductive success- # offspring one produces that reaches reproductive age.Reproductive success- # offspring one produces that reaches reproductive age. Adaptation- functional response of an organism to it’s environment.Adaptation- functional response of an organism to it’s environment. Selection Pressure-environmental forces that influence the Reproductive Success of an individual.Selection Pressure-environmental forces that influence the Reproductive Success of an individual.

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