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Hot and Cold The Weather What’s the weather like in the north ?

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Presentation on theme: "Hot and Cold The Weather What’s the weather like in the north ?"— Presentation transcript:


2 Hot and Cold The Weather

3 What’s the weather like in the north ?

4 It’s cold and snowing in the north.

5 It’s hot and sunny in the south.

6 It’s cloudy and raining in the west.

7 It’s windy in the east.

8 What do you do in the evenings ? I watch TV in the evenings. In the evenings, I usually read a book. I sometimes play games. watch TV read a book Play games

9 What does he / she do in the evenings ? meet a friend He usually meets his friend in the evenings. In the evenings, she goes for a picnic. go for a picnic

10 Present Simple Tense I You We They help like watch go He She It helps likes watches goes No “S” V+ “S” always usually often sometimes never

11 Frequency Adverbs always 10 usually 8 often 5 sometimes 3 never 0

12 Tr. Nadia A. Ba’armah & Rania Karsou

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