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Northumbria Learning Providers AGM September 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Northumbria Learning Providers AGM September 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Northumbria Learning Providers AGM September 2014

2 Todays Agenda 1.Curriculum 2.Inclusion 3.EFA

3 Curriculum Raising the Participation Age Study Programmes Traineeships Apprenticeships

4 Improving VQs at KS4 and KS5 and qualification design with employer involvement Introducing Traineeships, changes to apprenticeship and 14-16 enrolment in FE colleges Implementing 16-19 study programmes and reforming the funding formula 16-19 Study Programmes to include work experience and English and maths Reforming performance indicators, minimum standards, publishing destination measures to drive the changes to VQs The Big Picture Ministerial Priority: Rigorous standards for academic and vocational qualifications

5 Post-16 curriculum and funding reforms Substantial qualification (academic or vocational) PROGRESSION TO FURTHER STUDY & EMPLOYMENT Other non-qualification or ‘enrichment’ activities Meaningful work experience English and maths to GCSE A*-C (for those without this) From September 2013, all 16- to 19-year-olds are now expected to take a coherent “study programme” which is based on their prior attainment at KS4 and focused on enabling them to achieve their career ambitions. Funding ‘per student’ Ofsted inspections Minimum standards/ intervention Destination measures EFA monitoring 16-18 performance tables and/or

6 Inclusion NEET Tailored Curriculum Free Meals Bursary Funds

7 EFA Information Exchange Self Service Funding Guidance GOV.Uk

8 Looking for Information? Try here first

9 How you can brief your team about funding for 14/15

10 Questions?

11 Contacting us? 16 to 19 providers - northern territory Email For local authorities, schools, colleges and other (non-academy) providers in North West, North East and Yorkshire and Humberside with queries for the Education Funding Agency

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