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Jeopardy Early Rome Roman Accomplishments Christianity Rome Meets Byzantine Islam, Africa, and Mongols Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200.

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2 Jeopardy Early Rome Roman Accomplishments Christianity Rome Meets Byzantine Islam, Africa, and Mongols Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

3 $100 Question from Early Rome Where was Julius Caesar headed when he crossed the Rubicon?

4 $100 Answer from Early Rome Rome (40)

5 $200 Question from Early Rome What were the rich land owning citizens of Rome (who made up 5% of the population) called who also made up most of the Senate and Assembly of Centuries before the Conflict of Orders?

6 $200 Answer from Early Rome Patricians (11, 17)

7 $300 Question from Early Rome What was the other name for the Roman artisans, peasants, laborers, and shopkeepers (who made up 95 % of the population) who paid the most taxes and had the most people in the Roman Army?

8 $300 Answer from Early Rome Plebeians (12, 13)

9 $400 Question from Early Rome Who taught the Romans the idea of building lots of roads throughout your empire to improve trade and communication?

10 $400 Answer from Early Rome The Persians (28)

11 $500 Question from Early Rome What was the name of the huge plantations owned by the Roman government and run by the Roman army which hurt the smaller farmers in the empire?

12 $500 Answer from Early Rome Latifundia (34)

13 $100 Question from Roman Accomplishments Octavian/ Augustus was Rome’s 1 st Emperor/imperator and led the empire Through the Pax Romana - What does Pax Romana mean?

14 $100 Answer from Roman Accomplishments “Roman Peace” (thanks to Augustus more people got civil Service jobs, there was a return of family values, and equality between the patricians and plebeians) (42, 44)

15 $200 Question from Roman Accomplishments What special “forbidding” power did the consuls (the heads of the executive branch) have?

16 $200 Answer from Roman Accomplishments The power of the veto (15)

17 $300 Question from Roman Accomplishments Who fought in the Punic Wars?

18 $300 Answer from Roman Accomplishments Rome and Carthage (30)

19 $400 Question from Roman Accomplishments What Roman architectural structure brought water into the towns?

20 $400 Answer from Roman Accomplishments Aqueducts (25)

21 $500 Question from Roman Accomplishments Who wrote the Aenied? (the tale of a fighter from the Trojan War eventually helping to establish Rome)

22 $500 Answer from Roman Accomplishments Virgil (26)

23 $100 Question from Christianity Who do the followers of Christianity believe is the messiah (the savior/second coming of God)?

24 $100 Answer from Christianity Jesus of Nazareth (followers of Judaism disagree that he is the messiah) (51, 128)

25 $200 Question from Christianity What is an apostle?

26 $200 Answer from Christianity An early follower of Jesus (or a religion) (54)

27 $300 Question from Christianity What emperor changed his mind about Christianity and declared it the new religion of the empire (because he used the symbol of the cross as a good luck symbol in battle)?

28 $300 Answer from Christianity Constantine (60)

29 $400 Question from Christianity What man established some of the earliest churches all around the Roman Empire to spread Christianity?

30 $400 Answer from Christianity Peter (Paul/Saul helped spread Christianity throughout the empire through his Latin letters and by accepting converts of other religions) (55, 56)

31 $500 Question from Christianity What was the name of the series of rules which helped organize the early beliefs of the Catholic Church?

32 $500 Answer from Christianity Nicene Creed (61)

33 $100 Question from Rome Meets Byzantine Who is the head of the Roman Catholic Church?

34 $100 Answer from Rome Meets Byzantine The Pope! (he’s considered more powerful than a king) (69, 129)

35 $200 Question from Rome Meets Byzantine A mercenary is a paid soldier – Why did the Roman government hire so many mercenaries towards the end of the empire?

36 $200 Answer from Rome Meets Byzantine Because no Roman citizen wanted to serve in the army and they had lots of invaders (like Attila who eventually conquered the western half of the empire) (47, 63)

37 $300 Question from Rome Meets Byzantine What was the name of the split over icons (religious statues) in Christianity which caused the forming of the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox/Byzantine Churches?

38 $300 Answer from Rome Meets Byzantine Schism (the Roman Catholics wanted icons in the church the Byzantine/Eastern Orthodox did not) (68)

39 $400 Question from Rome Meets Byzantine What is Hagia Sophia?

40 $400 Answer from Rome Meets Byzantine An Eastern Orthodox/Byzantine temple in Constantinople (later a mosque in Istanbul) (it was so beautiful, it was one of the reasons along with the Cyrillic alphabet that Prince Vladimir made the religion of Russia the Eastern Orthodox Church!) (72, 81, 82)

41 $500 Question from Rome Meets Byzantine What happens when you have inflation?

42 $500 Answer from Rome Meets Byzantine When too much money is being printed so that its not worth anything while prices keep rising (48)

43 $100 Question from Islam, Africa, and Mongols Which religion’s followers are also known as Muslims and read a holy book written in Arabic called the Qur’an?

44 $100 Answer from Islam, Africa, and Mongols Islam (100, 105,110 )

45 $200 Question from Islam, Africa, and Mongols The Golden Horde was another name for what group (also called the Tatars) when they conquered Russia?

46 $200 Answer from Islam, Africa, and Mongols The Mongols (they were eventually defeated by Ivan III) (83)

47 $300 Question from Islam, Africa, and Mongols Which religion (Islam/Christianity And Judaism) is monotheistic (meaning they worship one god) and considers Abraham and Jerusalem important ?

48 $300 Answer from Islam, Africa, and Mongols All three do! (104, 125, 130)

49 $400 Question from Islam, Africa, and Mongols Who is the holy (human) leader of Islam?

50 $400 Answer from Islam, Africa, and Mongols The Caliph (a fight over the Muslim Empire, also known as Dar al-Islam, who was to be caliph split Islam into the Sunni and Shia branches – the Sunni believe that the caliph should be chosen By the people, the Shia believe that he should be a Descendent of Ali) (112, 120)

51 $500 Question from Islam, Africa, and Mongols What was the name of the largest trading and education city in the Mali empire?

52 $500 Answer from Islam, Africa, and Mongols Timbuktu (143)

53 Final Jeopardy Question We all know Istanbul is the new name for Constantinople … But what people conquered Constantinople and made it Istanbul?

54 Final Jeopardy Answer The (Ottoman) Turks! (76, 123)

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