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Phylum Nematoda Highest abundance of any animal on planet:  4 million / square meter in marine  ~ 16,000 species described  > 100,000 predicted taxa.

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Presentation on theme: "Phylum Nematoda Highest abundance of any animal on planet:  4 million / square meter in marine  ~ 16,000 species described  > 100,000 predicted taxa."— Presentation transcript:

1 Phylum Nematoda Highest abundance of any animal on planet:  4 million / square meter in marine  ~ 16,000 species described  > 100,000 predicted taxa

2 Phylum Nematoda Triploblastic, bilateral, vermiform, unsegmented Complete gut No circulatory or gas exchange structures Longitudinal muscles ONLY

3 Dioecious - males have “hooked” posterior Marine, freshwater, terrestrial some free-living, some parasitic

4 Nematoda body wall Cuticle secreted by epidermis Epidermis: syncytial = nuclei not separated by complete cell membranes Longitudinal nerve cords

5 Support and Locomotion Longitudinal muscles No circular muscle layer (burrowing impossible) Body cavity not spacious, filled with organs Cuticle provides support = hydrostatic Whiplike undulatory motion

6 Feeding Detritivores, microscavengers: consume bacteria/fungi on decomposing organic matter Free-living taxa can be carnivores Nematodes feeding on termite

7 Digestion Complete digestive tract: mouth, pharynx, intestine, anus Pharynx adds enzymes Digestion extracellular

8 Circulation, Gas Exchange, Excretion, Osmoregulation Circulation and gas exchange by diffusion and movement of body cavity fluids Excretory system: renette? Cuticle differentially permeable to water (H2O in but not out)

9 Nervous System and Sense Organs Cerebral ganglion = nerve ring and ganglia Nerves extend from nerve ring Abundant sense organs = papillae and setae (tactile receptors) Amphids - paired organs on head = chemosensory

10 Reproduction and Development Mostly dioecious: sperm amoeboid Few hermaphroditic (sperm and egg production in same gonad = ovitestis) Few parthenogenetic Female: ovary, oviduct, uterus, vagina, gonopore

11 Female nematode x-sec

12 Male – Smaller, curved body – Threadlike tubular testes – Sperm stored in seminal vesicle

13 Male x-sec

14 Hookworm: Necator americanus > 1 billion infected worldwide egg

15 Pinworm = Enterobius vermicularis ~ 20 % US children infected

16 Cool Nematodes! Guinea worm: female can be 1 m long, just under skin, produces ulcer that causes opening, release young (to intermediate copepod host)

17 Chapter 17 Pechenik Cycloneuralia: Nematomorpha and others


19 Phylum Nematomorpha “thread body” = Hair Worms 2 orders – marine – freshwater and terrestrial

20 Hair worms ~ 320 species described 5 are marine Adults all free-living Adults do not feed = nonfunctional digestive tracts

21 Juveniles are internal parasites Lack digestive tract Mostly insect hosts Details of life cycles unknown for most species

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