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Calderglen High School 123456789 101112131415161718 19202122232425 26.

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2 Calderglen High School 123456789 101112131415161718 19202122232425 26

3 Calderglen High School 1 Give the name beginning of the hydrocarbons with 1 to 8 carbons answer DON’T NEED TO MEMORISE!! LOOK IN THE DATA BOOK!!!! 1 = meth5 = pent 2 = eth6 = hex 3 = prop7 = hept 4 = but 8 = oct

4 Calderglen High School A compounds containing Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen. A compounds containing Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen. Hydrogen and Oxygen have a 2:1 ratio Hydrogen and Oxygen have a 2:1 ratio answer 2 CARBOHYDRATE What is a CARBOHYDRATE?

5 Calderglen High School SATURATED What are SATURATED hydrocarbons? Hydrocarbons where all the carbon to carbon bonds are SINGLE covalent bonds answer 3

6 Calderglen High School Give some uses for CARBOHYDRATES? 1.FoodFood 2.For making FuelsFor making Fuels answer 4

7 Calderglen High School Glucose What is the formula for Glucose ? C 6 H 12 O 6 answer 5

8 Calderglen High School What is STARCH and how is it made? A complex carbohydrate Made when many Glucose molecules join together (polymerise) Made when many Glucose molecules join together (polymerise) answer 6

9 Calderglen High School Starch What is the test for Starch? Iodine solution turns blue/black answer 7

10 Calderglen High School When CRUDE OIL is distilled what is the problem concerning the amounts of fractions obtained? There are not enough of the useful short chain fractions It is mainly the long chain hydrocarbons that are obtained answer 8

11 Calderglen High School What is the connection between the boiling point of alkanes and their number of carbons? Boiling point increases as the number of carbons increases answer 9

12 Calderglen High School What is the word equation for the combustion of alkanes? alkane + oxygen  carbon dioxide + water answer 10

13 Calderglen High School Give examples of uses for ALKANES Methane – natural gas Propane – bottled gas Octane – petrol answer 11

14 Calderglen High School What is the test for GLUCOSE? Benedict’s solution turns orange/red (when heated) answer 12

15 Calderglen High School Why do plants make STARCH? They make starch from glucose to store energy answer 13

16 Calderglen High School UNSATURATED What are UNSATURATED hydrocarbons? Hydrocarbons where there is at least one carbon to carbon DOUBLE covalent bond answer 14

17 Calderglen High School How is starch broken down? Starch is broken down during digestion in the body. answer 15

18 Calderglen High School Which carbohydrate can pass through the gut wall into the bloodstream? GLUCOSE (small, soluble molecule) (starch is large and insoluble – can’t pass across gut wall) answer 16

19 Calderglen High School Which process breaks down glucose for energy? RESPIRATION answer 17

20 Calderglen High School What do alkanes, alkenes and cycloalkanes have in common ? They are all hydrocarbons so burn in a plentiful supply of air to produce carbon dioxide and water answer 18

21 Calderglen High School Which homologous series has single C-C bonds? ALKANES answer 19

22 Calderglen High School Which homologous series has C=C bonds? ALKENES answer 20

23 Calderglen High School What type of bonding exists in ALKANES? Saturated (C-C) answer 21

24 Calderglen High School What is catalytic cracking? A process for breaking long chain molecules into smaller more useful molecules answer 22

25 Calderglen High School How is catalytic cracking carried out? By heating in the presence of a catalyst eg aluminium oxide. The catalyst speeds up the process and allows it to take place at a lower temperature answer 23

26 Calderglen High School What is the main use for the small unsaturated molecules (eg ethene) obtained by the cracking of long chain hydrocarbons? Small unsaturated molecules are used to make plastics answer 24

27 Calderglen High School Apart from the product molecules being smaller, what is different about one of the products obtained in cracking? One will be saturated (C-C) One will be unsaturated (C=C) answer 25

28 Calderglen High School What type of bonding exists in ALKENES? Unsaturated (C=C) answer 26

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