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A Raisin In the Sun Introducing stereotypes, segregation, heritages, and dreams - Never give up on what is right and always follow your dreams Jennifer.

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Presentation on theme: "A Raisin In the Sun Introducing stereotypes, segregation, heritages, and dreams - Never give up on what is right and always follow your dreams Jennifer."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Raisin In the Sun Introducing stereotypes, segregation, heritages, and dreams - Never give up on what is right and always follow your dreams Jennifer Ejiofor

2 Housing Segregation  Developed due to:  Whites moving into suburbs  Discrimination from real estate agents  Segregationist zoning ordinances divided city streets by race  Preference of white or black neighborhoods  Became the policy of local governments  Standard operating procedure for individual landowners  Racial segregation-  Became the policy of local governments  Standard operating procedure for individual landowners  A Raisin In the Sun  Youngers dealt with housing segregation  Clybourne Park(an all white neighborhood) didn’t want them to move in  Tried to buy their house from them  Youngers refused and moved in any way

3 African-American Stereotypes Stereotypes:  Stupid  Irresponsible  Fathers leave their kids  Violent  Live in the ghetto/the projects  Loud, obnoxious, rude  Nappy hair  Bad attitudes, disrespectful  Poor  Dirty  Low job expectations A Raisin In the Sun  The characters fit some of the stereotypes such as -  Being irresponsible(Walter)  Low job expectations(Walter, Mama, Ruth)  Being poor( the entire family)

4 Nigeria  Nigerian(Igbo)  Parents came to America for a better life  They went to school  Mom became a nurse  Dad got a business degree  Still go to Nigerian parties  Arochukwu and cultural meetings  There we eat Nigerian foods and my mom wears native clothing  Go to the Nigerian parade in New York  I am Nigerian I will:  always remember where I came from  respect my culture A Raisin In the Sun  Not a conformist  Assimilationist  Partake in Nigerian customs  Respect my heritage

5 Dreams and Goals College  Go here to learn  Make a better life for myself  Have a great experience  Be able to get a good paying job in the future Graduate High School  Accomplish 13 years of schooling  Have to do this to go to college  Will make a better future for myself Have a Family  It’s fulfilling  Apart of life  Makes you feel like you have a purpose in the world A Raisin in the sun  Bennie wants to go to college  Mama wants her family to have a better life Dreams  Have values  Purposes  Help us accomplish things  Follow them  Lead you to great places

6 Conclusion African-Americans  Had to struggle for their rights  Were discriminated against  Had a hard time gaining equality Heritage  Is important  Know where you came from  Stay in touch with your culture Dreams  Follow them  You never know here they may lead

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