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Communities Putting Children First "It takes a whole village to raise a child."

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Presentation on theme: "Communities Putting Children First "It takes a whole village to raise a child.""— Presentation transcript:

1 Communities Putting Children First "It takes a whole village to raise a child."

2 Who we are: History of children1 st In New York in the 1870s, eight-year-old, Mary Ellen suffered terrible abuse at the hands of her adoptive parents. A neighbour asked the police to do something but they could not act to protect her as there were no laws in place to prevent cruelty to children. There were laws to protect animals, New York Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals The police took her case to court, citing Mary Ellen as an animal of the human species. The New York Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children was established in 1875 as a result of this case. In 1921, the Scottish National Society received Royal Charter status and became the Royal Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (RSSPCC) It became Children1st in 1995

3 Why we are here? To raise awareness of the role communities play in safeguarding children and young people To explore the barriers that prevent communities being able to safeguard children and young people To offer support and encouragement to communities to have a safeguarding role

4 Everyone’sResponsibility… Everyone’s Responsibility… community groups friends society school statutory agencies parents & family extended family peers voluntary organisations Our Community

5 GIRFEC Curriculum for Excellence Scottish Government say this is what a child needs in its life. Safe Healthy Achieving Nurtured Active Respected Responsible Included

6 Think Back Recalling your childhood, did you feel safe in your community ? What has or hasn’t changed?

7 Being a Bystander Have you ever been a “passive bystander?” Have you ever walked passed: an accident? a child who is lost in a shop? Why don’t we intervene?


9 Possible Responses We hope someone else will deal with it It’s not my problem What about my safety? Feel embarrassed Pressure from other people Don’t know what to say or do? So who do we ask to find out?

10 Intervention (doing something) can mean: The 5 D’s Don’t - turn a blind eye Directly Support – Approach and offer to help or challenge when needed Distracting – Try to distract the child/adult in the situation Delegating – Contact an authority figure Delaying – Look for a time when it is more appropriate, wait and then come back to say or do something

11 What is Child Protection? Every child deserves a safe, secure, healthy, happy childhood free from harm Abuse may be physical, emotional, sexual and/or neglect It is not always black and white and it may simply be thinking about what is different with this child in this situation and passing that information on to someone in authority or if serious report to the police.

12 How can we take action? What can we do? In groups think about the scenarios given and how you might deal with them now. Look at the situation! How does it make you feel? Why are you concerned? What might you do about it?

13 So…….. Be aware Your own safety is important Do something! In an emergency call the police – anonymously if you have to.

14 If you have concerns about a child who can you talk to? Community Engagement Staff/volunteer ParentLine 0800 028 2233 Social Work Police School Head Teacher or school nurse Doctor Community nurse/health visitor

15 CEOP Child Exploitation and Online Protection Is a command of the UK's National Crime Agency Tasked to work both nationally and internationally to bring online child sex offenders to court. Most importantly - there’s also a place which anyone can use to report if they feel uncomfortable or worried about someone they are chatting to online. Visit CEOP's Thinkuknow – - to find out the latest information.

16 Teenage CEOP Clips

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