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How to Choose Good Quotes ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ You know.

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Presentation on theme: "How to Choose Good Quotes ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ You know."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Choose Good Quotes ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ You know you have a good quote when… – The quote adds new information that will impact or shock your reader and make them agree with or at least think about your point of view – Your paragraph wouldn’t be as strong without it – It provides support as to why the audience should agree with your viewpoint

2 Internal Citations ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This is how you use the information you discovered during your research to support your arguments There are many ways to cite a source within your paper. – Be aware: even if you don’t use a direct quote (someone else’s words), you still have to cite that you used their ideas.

3 Here are some examples…

4 Wordsworth notes, “cyber bullying can cause long term effects on kids because it makes what might have been a more private situation very much public because of the amount of traffic sites like Facebook get" (263). Direct Quote with a Lead-In ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5 Wordsworth notes, “cyber bullying can cause long term effects on kids because it makes what might have been a more private situation very much public because of the amount of traffic sites like Facebook get" (263). Elements of a Direct Quote with a Lead-In ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Author’s name Comma to introduce the quote Open quotation to show where the quote starts Close quotation to show where the quote ends Note the page number inside parenthesis, if applicable. Put a period to end the sentence after the parenthesis.

6 Wordsworth notes, “cyber bullying can cause long term effects on kids because it makes what might have been a more private situation very much public because of the amount of traffic sites like Facebook get.” Direct Quote with a Lead-In and No Page Number ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7 Wordsworth notes, “cyber bullying can cause long term effects on kids because it makes what might have been a more private situation very much public because of the amount of traffic sites like Facebook get.” Elements of a Direct Quote with a Lead-In and No Page Number ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Author’s name Comma to introduce the quote Open quotation to show where the quote starts Close quotation to show where the quote ends

8 “Cyber bullying can cause long term effects on kids because it makes what might have been a more private situation very much public because of the amount of traffic sites like Facebook get" (Wordsworth 263). Direct Quote with No Lead-In ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9 “Cyber bullying can cause long term effects on kids because it makes what might have been a more private situation very much public because of the amount of traffic sites like Facebook get" (Wordsworth 263). Elements of a Direct Quote with No Lead-In ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Open quotation to show where the quote starts Close quotation to show where the quote ends Author’s name Note the page number inside parenthesis, if applicable. Put a period to end the sentence after the parenthesis.

10 Direct Quote without an Author ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ “Cyber bullying can cause long term effects on kids because it makes what might have been a more private situation very much public because of the amount of traffic sites like Facebook get" (“Impact of Bully” 263).

11 Elements of a Direct Quote without an Author ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Open quotation to show where the quote starts Close quotation to show where the quote ends Title of article Note the page number inside parenthesis, if applicable. Put a period to end the sentence after the parenthesis.

12 Paraphrased Quote with a Lead-In ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Wordsworth notes cyber bullying is worse than traditional bullying because it provides the bully with a larger audience (263).

13 Elements of a Paraphrased Quote with a Lead-In ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Wordsworth notes cyber bullying is worse than traditional bullying because it provides the bully with a larger audience (263). Author’s name Note the page number inside parenthesis, if applicable. Put a period to end the sentence after the parenthesis.

14 Paraphrased Quote without a Lead-In ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Cyber bullying is worse than traditional bullying because it provides the bully with a larger audience (Wordsworth 263).

15 Elements of a Paraphrased Quote with a Lead-In ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Cyber bullying is worse than traditional bullying because it provides the bully with a larger audience ( Wordsworth 263). Author’s name Note the page number inside parenthesis, if applicable. Put a period to end the sentence after the parenthesis.

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