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Communism, Marxism, Totalitarianism

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1 Communism, Marxism, Totalitarianism
Animal Farm Communism, Marxism, Totalitarianism

2 Themes Review Themes are the fundamental and often universal ideas explored in a literary work.

3 Marxism Marxism is a worldview and method of societal analysis that focuses on class relations and societal conflict. This means the Rich having all the Power over the Poor. Capitalism harms the poor because the rich take all the profit and the poor remain poor. Surplus Value of Labour: The idea that workers do a great job and then make things that the rich sell, but all the worker’s hard work is not rewarded. Instead their hard work = profit for the rich factory owners Proletarians = Poor People. What does this quote mean?

4 Left Chinese Factory, Below Walmart store in the USA
Left Chinese Factory, Below Walmart store in the USA. How does this demonstrate what Marx says about the evils of Capitalism?

5 Totalitarianism Totalitarianism or totalitarian state is a concept used by some political scientists to describe a political system in which the state has total control over society and tries to control all aspects of public and private life.

6 Example: North Korea Press freedom organization Reporters Without Borders often cited Kim Jong-il as a "predator of press freedom", with only Eritrea ranked below North Korea in its 2010 press freedom index. While state media remain tightly controlled, the NGO noted that that there had been an increase in the flow of news and information into the North thanks both to foreign radio stations and organizations which send multimedia content across the border. – BBC News, 2011

7 Communism Communism is a socioeconomic system that focuses on ownership of the means of production and characterized by equality for all, equality in terms of money, equality in the government; The movement to develop communism, in its Marxist, really changed the history of the 20th century, which saw a very big rivalry between the communist states in the U.S.S.R.(Russia today)and P.R. China and the most developed capitalist states (U.S.A., Canada, Western Europe).

8 Stalinism Stalinism is a policy on how to construct socialism and develop a communist society, by Joseph Stalin. Stalinist policies in the Soviet Union (Russia) included: state terror, authoritarianism, rapid industrialization, small government by one man, state agriculture, help other communist movements (revolutions) in other countries.

9 Old Major Old Major serves both as Karl Marx, who first espoused the political philosophy behind communism, and as Vladimir Lenin, who effected this philosophy’s revolutionary expression.

10 Napoleon and Squealer Power lies in the hands of those who devise, maintain, and participate in the running of society—the intelligent (Pigs). Squealer creates propaganda similar to that spread by revolutionaries via official organs such as the Communist Party newspaper Pravda. Napoleon Bonaparte was a famous French dictator and leader after the French Revolution. He took over most of Europe. Why is it important that the head pig is named Napoleon?

11 Squealer Spreads lie-filled propaganda and allows the pigs to conceal their acts of greed. His statements and behaviors the language that the pigs use to control the other animals while telling them that this strict government is essential if the animals want to not be abused by Jones again.

12 Power This class of Russians and their allies quickly turned the Communist Party toward totalitarianism, an event mirrored in Animal Farm by the gradual assumption of power by the pigs (apples and milk are only for pigs, pigs change the commandments to 7 and make them simple so poor – other animals – can understand what they want them to understand).

13 Commandments: It becomes apparent that many of the animals are unable to memorize the Seven Commandments, Snowball reduces the principles to what he says is the heart of Animalism: “Four legs good, two legs bad.” The motto has undergone such generalization that it has become propaganda “No Animal will sleep in a bed with sheets.”

14 Boxer Always agrees with the government and always says “I will work harder!”. “Napoleon is always right” Boxer is a great example of the working poor in the U.S.S.R. Communist Society. Boxer, in particular, embody the aspects of the working class that facilitate the participation of the working class in revolution: his capacity for hard work, loyalty, and lack of clear direction opens them up to the more educated classes’ (pigs) manipulation.

15 The Farm and Political Structure
Stalinist Dictator: Napoleon Elite Small Government: Pigs Terror Enforcers: Dogs Low Class Workers: The animals of the Manor Farm represent the workers and peasants of Russia, in whose name the Russian Revolution’s leaders first struggled.

16 The Rise of Stalin Watch the following 40 minute documentary on the rise of Stalin and the changes that happened in Russia. I want you to also complete the Rise of Stalin assignment as a group. You can divide up the questions or do them all together. It is your choice.

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