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Individual Professional Development Plan Santa Rosa District Schools 2006-07 School Year.

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Presentation on theme: "Individual Professional Development Plan Santa Rosa District Schools 2006-07 School Year."— Presentation transcript:

1 Individual Professional Development Plan Santa Rosa District Schools 2006-07 School Year

2 Professional Development Protocol The purpose of the Individual Professional Development Plan, as a part of the State Protocol and No Child Left Behind Legislature, is to ensure that we provide high quality, sustained staff development that addresses student achievement needs.

3 Professional Development Standards National Standards State Standards

4 Three Levels of the Protocol The Professional Development Protocol addresses three levels within the school district –Faculty –School –District

5 Four Strands of the Protocol The areas targeted within the protocol are –Planning –Delivery –Follow up –Evaluation

6 Professional Development System Monitoring System State review cycle (every 3 years) On-site reviews at the teacher, school, and district levels –Santa Rosas next review will be in, 2007 Districts are graded using a rubric Feedback will be provided to the district and recommendations for improvement made

7 Rating/Evaluation Rubrics for Reviews 1Unacceptable-little or no evidence 2 Marginal-some but inconsistent evidence (a few components of the standard) –2004 Protocol Review Findings »2.4.5 Expenditures-School Level »1.4.4 Action Research-Teacher Level 3 Good-considerable evidence (many components of the standard) 4 Excellent-pervasive evidence (almost all components of the standard)

8 The Protocol Requires That…… All Teachers must have an Individual Professional Plan that is –Data Driven –Continuous and ongoing from year to year Data Must be –Current student disaggregated data –SIP data based –Certification needs based

9 Santa Rosa County requires that each teacher….. Initiate a PDP prior to the first nine week grading period Set one goal each year based on disaggregated student data Clearly identify training objectives and measurable criteria to accomplish the goal A minimum of one literacy strategy is required on the PDP Maintain documentation verifying identified need Meet with administrator several times throughout the school year to verify and discuss goal and strategies selected

10 Prior to the Final Evaluation Teachers Should….. Compile a portfolio documenting disaggregated student data documenting initial and final data portfolios should be maintained by the employee for a minimum of 3 years Complete identified training activities

11 Implement identified strategies Write an outcome statement that identifies the problem, staff development and strategies that were identified and the classroom impact that resulted

12 Non Classroom Based Teachers Non classroom based teachers should try to set goals that reflect needs from student data, SIP areas of need, or certification areas of need Non classroom based teachers have a greater flexibility in the data used to set the Professional Development Goal

13 Principals Should…. Meet individually with each teacher to set goal statement and identify staff development and strategies needed –Previous year PDP data should be considered as the new goal is set Monitor progress throughout the year Meet individually at the end of the year to evaluate the outcome of the PDP

14 Provide opportunities for Learning Communities Provide suggestions and opportunities for Action Research Consider individual teacher identified needs and SIP needs in completing the annual staff development needs assessment form

15 Training Sources To Meet Goals Site-based face to face training District and Site-based Learning Communities District-based face to face training Online Training Opportunities Individual and Group Action Research


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