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Strategic Planning Key Performance Indicators Henrico County Public Schools September, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Strategic Planning Key Performance Indicators Henrico County Public Schools September, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategic Planning Key Performance Indicators Henrico County Public Schools September, 2010

2 Strategic Plan Timeline  January 2010- Steering Committee develops the draft strategic plan.  March-May 2010- Action teams meet to create action plans.  June 2010- Steering Committee reviews action plans and moves final Strategic Plan forward to the School Board

3 Strategic Plan Timeline  July 2010- School Board holds public hearing for comment on the strategic plan.  August 2010- School Board approves the strategic plan.  September 2010- School Board reviews the Key Performance Indicators  October 2010- School Board sets targets for the Key Performance Indicators.

4 Measuring our Progress 1. Key Performance Indicators 2. Supporting Indicators

5 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) Key Performance Indicators….. 1. Help us know if we are meeting our mission. 2. Track our progress against strategic goals. 3. Create a need for systems thinking. 4. Direct our actions toward achievement of the mission.

6 Components of a Key Performance Indicator  The Indicator: How will you know we are meeting our mission?  The Measure: What metrics will be used to monitor progress?  The Target: What are the desired outcomes once plan implementation is complete?

7 KPIs- Based on the Mission Henrico County Public Schools, an innovative leader in educational excellence, will actively engage our students in diverse learning experiences that will inspire and empower them to become contributing citizens.

8 Key Performance Indicators: 1. On-Time Graduation and Completion Rate 2. Post-Secondary Plans after Graduation 3. Citizenship

9 KPI: On-Time Graduation and Completion Measure:  Graduation rate by AYP group  Diploma types by AYP group Target: TBD by the School Board Strategic Goal Alignment: Goals 1 and 5

10 KPI: Post-Secondary Plans after Graduation Measure: The number of students who report going to a:  4-year college/university  2-year college/university  Technical School  Trade/Technical Job  Military  Other Target: TBD by the School Board Strategic Goal Alignment: Goals 2 and 3

11 KPI: Citizenship Measure:  Graduates earning a diploma seal for civic education.  Number of citizenship opportunities offered to students.  Number of students who report participating in citizenship opportunities. Target: TBD by the School Board Strategic Goal Alignment: Goals 1 and 5

12 Supporting Indicators 1. Specific data points that contribute to the Overall Key Performance Indicator. 2. Include the same components of the KPI: indicator, measure, target.

13 Example of a Supporting Indicator SOL student pass rates in reading, mathematics, and writing This “supports” the KPI for On-time Graduation and Completion, specifically graduation rate.

14 Example of a Supporting Indicator Student enrollment in Advanced Placement Classes This “supports” the KPI for On-time Graduation and Completion, specifically diploma types.

15 Example of a Supporting Indicator Student bus on-time arrival at school. This “supports” all three KPIs: On- time Graduation and Completion, Post-secondary Plans, and Citizenship.

16 Categories of Supporting Indicators  Student Achievement  Technology  Operations  Support Services  Finance  Quality Staff  Stakeholder Engagement

17 On-time Graduation/Completion Students will graduate upon completion of a curriculum that exceeds state and national standards. Student SOL Pass rates Obj. 1.4 A.P.1: Develop a process for review of curriculum. …….. That inspire and empower them to become contributing citizens.

18 Next Steps  Incorporate School Board input on KPIs and Supporting Indicators.  Prepare suggested targets for School Board consideration.  Request approval of Key Performance Indicator targets at the October School Board meeting.

19 Community Priorities Workshop and Perception Surveys Informing the Strategic Plan

20 Community Priorities Workshop  Discussion will be based on the perception survey data for the school division.  The CPW will be used to clarify meaning of the results and identify root issues

21 Timeline Adjustment  Perception Surveys will be administered in January upon return from winter break.  Results will be available by early March  CPW will be held in late March  CPW results will inform the annual strategic plan update.

22 Comprehensive School Improvement Plans  Completed by October 30, 2010  Include expanded stakeholder input  Show connections to the Strategic Plan  Use the new CSIP data-base.

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