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Waves Wave characteristics. Travelling Waves v There are two types of mechanical waves and pulses that we encounter in the physical world.

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Presentation on theme: "Waves Wave characteristics. Travelling Waves v There are two types of mechanical waves and pulses that we encounter in the physical world."— Presentation transcript:

1 Waves Wave characteristics

2 Travelling Waves v There are two types of mechanical waves and pulses that we encounter in the physical world.

3 Transverse v In these waves the source that produces the wave oscillates at right angles to the direction of travel of the wave v It means that the particles of the medium through which the wave travels also oscillates at right angle to the direction of travel of the wave.

4 Direction of travel of the wave Direction of oscillation of the particles Transverse Wave

5 Longitudinal v In these waves the source that produces the wave oscillates in the same direction as the direction of travel of the wave v It means that the particle of the medium through which the wave travels also oscillates in the same direction as the direction of travel of the wave.

6 Longitudinal Wave Direction of travel of the wave Direction of oscillations of the particles

7 Transverse Waves

8 Longitudinal Waves

9 What is a Wave? v A wave is a means by which energy is transferred between two points in a medium without any net transfer of the medium itself.

10 The Medium v The substance or object in which the wave is travelling. v When a wave travels in a medium parts of the medium do not end up at different places. v The energy of the source of the wave is carried to different parts of the medium by the wave.

11 v Water waves however, can be a bit disconcerting; v Waves at sea do not transport water but the tides do. v Similarly, a wave on a lake does not transport water but water can actually be blown along by the wind.

12 Displacement v (d) is the distance that any particle is away from its equilibrium position at any given time. v Measured in meters

13 Amplitude v (A, a) This is the maximum displacement of a particle from its equilibrium position. v (It is also equal to the maximum displacement of the source that produces the wave). v Normally measured in meters

14 Period v (T) This is the time that it takes a particle to make one complete oscillation. v (It also equals the time for the source of the wave to make one complete oscillation). v Measured in seconds

15 Frequency v (f) This is the number of oscillations made per second by a particle. v (It is also equal to the number of oscillations made per second by the source of the wave) v The SI unit of frequency is the hertz - Hz. (1 Hz is 1 oscillation per second) v So, f = 1/T

16 Wavelength v ( ) This is the distance along the medium between two successive particles that have the same displacement and the same phase of motion. v Ex. Distance between two consecutive wave crests. v Measured in meters

17 Wave Speed v (v, c) This is the speed with which energy is carried in the medium by the wave. v Measured in m/s v A very important fact is that wave speed depends only on the nature and properties of the medium.

18 Crest v This is a term coined from water waves and refers to the points at the maximum height of the wave.

19 Trough v A term coined from water waves referring to the points at the lowest part of the wave.

20 Wavelength again! v Wavelength will therefore be equal to the distance between successive crests and/or successive troughs.

21 Compression v This is a term used in connection with longitudinal wave and refers to the region where the particles of the medium are "bunched up". v High density v High pressure

22 Rarefaction v A term used in connection with longitudinal waves referring to the regions where the particles are "stretched out". v Low density v Low pressure

23 Longitudinal Waves v The wavelength will be equal to the distance between successive points of maximum compression and/or successive points of maximum rarefaction. v The compression is the region in which the molecules of the air are pushed together. v The rarefaction is the region where the molecules move apart.

24 rarefactions wavelength

25 Sound Waves v A longitudinal wave in a slinky spring is analogous to a sound wave in which each turn of the spring represents an air molecule.

26 Interpreting Graphs - 1 displacement distance crest trough amplitude crest wavelength amplitude wavelength

27 Interpreting Graphs - 2 displacement time amplitude period

28 Deriving v = f v Imagine a wave with velocity v v Being produced from a source of frequency f v In 1 second the 1 st wavefront would have travelled a distance of f v As speed = distance / time v v = f / 1 v  v = f

29 2 Important Points v 1. The frequency of a wave depends only on the source producing the wave. w It will therefore not change if the wave enters a different medium or the properties of the medium change

30 v 2. The Speed of waves only depends on the nature and the properties of the medium. w Water waves do travel faster in deeper water w Light waves do travel slower in more optically dense material. w Sound waves do travel slower in cold air

31 The EM Spectrum Itself Short Long High fLow f VISIBLE Radio Waves Micro Waves Infra red Gamma rays Ultra Violet X rays

32 Frequencies of Regions (Hz) Gamma Rays >10 21 X-rays 10 17 - 10 21 Ultraviolet 10 14 - 10 17 Violet 7.5 x 10 14 > Visible > Red 4.3 x 10 14 Infrared 10 11 -10 14 Microwaves 10 9 -10 11 Radio and TV < 10 9

33 The Different Regions v In the context of wave motion, common properties of all parts of the electromagnetic spectrum are w all transverse waves w all travel at the speed of light in vacuum (3.0 x 10 8 m/s) w all can travel in a vacuum

34 Sources of Regions w Gamma – certain radioactive material’s nuclei w X-rays – by firing an electron stream at a tungsten metal target in a highly evacuated tube. w Ultraviolet – the Sun, ultraviolet lamp w Visible – hot bodies w Infrared – the Sun (heat), hot bodies w Microwaves – Ovens, communication systems w Radio and TV – transmitter stations, Azteca TV

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