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Jarrett Middle School Foundation

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Presentation on theme: "Jarrett Middle School Foundation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jarrett Middle School Foundation

2 Library Media Specialist Jarrett Middle School
Faith Yokoyama Library Media Specialist Jarrett Middle School

3 Library’s Vision Kulia I ka nu’u Strive to reach the highest

4 Goals On-line exit portfolio documenting student work achievement

5 The possibilities The potential
Put student sample link here

6 Benefits to Teachers Saves teachers: Time Effort

7 Benefits to teachers Student work is on-line, no excuses of:
I forgot my homework My dog ate it

8 Teacher Benefits Students document their own work showing standards achieved Used as “evidence folders” as required by Standards based report cards Used for “Student-led” parent conferences

9 Teacher Benefits Show student accomplishments and growth in course work over three years Record and Graph student improvement in: Benchmarks testing HAS tests

10 Teacher benefits Teachers may look at student work capabilities:
Across disciplines Over time (6th 7th th grades)

11 Teacher Benefits Integrated application of student skills across disciplines Math Science Student English

12 Accomplish General Learner Outcomes
Produce products Access, manage, and generate new information

13 Implementation After school during Kulia I’Ka Nu’u
Course taught by Librarian Media Specialist and other volunteer Kulia I’ka Nu’u teachers

14 Implementation Start with a core of th graders for the first year for the 1st quarter Initial core of 6th graders will partner with new group of 6th graders for 2nd quarter. 3rd quarter, first two teams will partner with new group of 6th graders

15 Implementation Program will follow initial 6 graders for three years at Jarrett Middle School Funding: grants

16 Thank you

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