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Pablo Picasso’s Life Presented By Scott Midgley Presented By Scott Midgley.

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2 Pablo Picasso’s Life Presented By Scott Midgley Presented By Scott Midgley

3 Pablo Picasso’s Life

4 Pablo Picasso as a Child The Beginning: Childhood and Youth 1881-1901 Pablo Ruiz Picasso was born October 25, 1881 to Don José Ruiz Blasco. Pablo Ruiz Picasso was born October 25, 1881 to Don José Ruiz Blasco. Pablo (Paul) Picasso lived in Málaga, Spain. Pablo (Paul) Picasso lived in Málaga, Spain.

5 Pablo Picasso’s Adolescence’s Year In his Adolescence, Picasso began to develop his artistic identity. He began to sign his works "Picasso" rather than "P. Ruiz Picasso" or "P. R. Picasso" as he had earlier. Thus, in typically Oedipal fashion, he omitted his father's name and took on his mother's name entirely, and, by doing so, created his own identity. In his Adolescence, Picasso began to develop his artistic identity. He began to sign his works "Picasso" rather than "P. Ruiz Picasso" or "P. R. Picasso" as he had earlier. Thus, in typically Oedipal fashion, he omitted his father's name and took on his mother's name entirely, and, by doing so, created his own identity. Self portrait called uncombed hair. Date 1901

6 Pablo Picasso’s Twilight years Much of Picasso's work in his old age used earlier art as its subject matter, as he had earlier used Grünewald's "Crucifixion." The present vanishes to make room for the past. Perhaps this let him work through his own development as an artist and his place in art history, which, it was clear, he had secured. Much of Picasso's work in his old age used earlier art as its subject matter, as he had earlier used Grünewald's "Crucifixion." The present vanishes to make room for the past. Perhaps this let him work through his own development as an artist and his place in art history, which, it was clear, he had secured.

7 That’s all Folks Thank you for watching my slideshow I hope that you have enjoyed reading about Pablo Picasso’s life. Thank you for watching my slideshow I hope that you have enjoyed reading about Pablo Picasso’s life.

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