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Review: AP World History Exam Section

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1 Review: AP World History Exam 1750-1914 Section

2 Periodization Revolutions Industrialization Imperialism
Enlightenment and Scientific Revolution Industrialization Imperialism Continuities and Breaks Need for raw materials (exploitations) Coerced labor Europe Dominating

3 Changes is Global Commerce, Communication and Technology
PPMMMR Charts Small local industries destroyed by imported manufactured goods (ex. India) China and Japan forced open to trade Truly global trade, world linked but dependent Spreads from West to non-west (some specialization that will lead to industrialization like in Canada, Uruguay, South Africa) (profit returns to industrial nations)

4 Commonalities Industrialization begins with textiles
Need for Steam and Iron Railroads and Canals needed (specifically the Suez Canal)

5 Slave Trade Atlantic Slave trade ends Denmark 1792
US 1807 (continue shipping but not to US) Britain 1808 Brazil 1830 (smuggles until 1850)

6 Demographic Changes Demographic Transition: Shifting patterns
Mortality rate falls faster than birth rate so there is a population increase Demographic stability is achieved when birth rate also slows Voluntary birth control No major outbreaks of disease By % of population live in cities Agricultural Revolution: New crops like peanuts (China and Africa) increase population Cash crops cause famine

7 Social and Gender Structure
Urbanization Commercial Developments: Monopoly, Cartel, and Trust Abolition: women and free blacks are the force behind abolition. Reasons for ending slavery were humanitarian and economic. William Wilberforce, Frederick Douglass Brazil liberals want to end slavery on Enlightened ideals. Slavery ends for economic and democratic reasons. Caribbean Islands have small slave population, so its ending is not violent socially

8 Political Revolutions and Independence Movements
American Revolution Causes: beneficial neglect….. Documents: Articles of Confederation…. Effects: representative democracy……. French Causes: social inequality…. Documents: Declaration of Rights of Man…. Effects: Napoleon…..

9 Haiti: Latin America Causes: homeland rule…..
Documents: Enlightened writers Results: successful slave revolt Latin America Causes: Mercantilism….. Documents: Results: few….

10 Things to think about Phases of Revolution Leaders Outside forces
Long-term effects Who benefits Popular Sovereignty

11 Nationalism and Nation-States
Rise of Nationalism Napoleon Congress of Vienna Greece Germany Italy

12 Limitations Women Slaves Indigenous populations Racism Imperialism

13 Rise of the West Economic (industrialization, Mercantilism, Capitalism) Political (democracy) Social (growing middle class, mobility, westernization) Expansion; imperialism and colonialism Cultural and Artistic (Impressionism)

14 Monet: Impressionism

15 Reaction to the West Russia (reform: Westernizes)
India (resist: Mugal to Sepoy) Ottoman (reform: Young Turks) China (resist: Taiping and Boxer) Japan (reform: Meiji Restoration) Imperialism causes Nationalism in subservient countries

16 Diverse Interpretations
Modernization is positive, it’s better for everyone so don’t resist. Accept science, accept enlightenment, accept industrialization, a free market. (Western Theory). Slave Emancipation Reasons: Fear Factor, Humanitarian Factor and Economic Factor. Women: should they have more rights because of their role in revolutions? Roles more defined. Settler colony more equality

17 Major Comparisons and Snapshots
Compare Industrial Revolution in Western Europe and Japan Comparative Revolutions Reaction to foreign domination in Ottoman, China, India and Japan Colonialism vs Neo-colonialism

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