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U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program April 9, 2002 eGovernment Working Group Meeting Chris Niedermayer, USDA eGovernment Executive.

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Presentation on theme: "U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program April 9, 2002 eGovernment Working Group Meeting Chris Niedermayer, USDA eGovernment Executive."— Presentation transcript:

1 U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program April 9, 2002 eGovernment Working Group Meeting Chris Niedermayer, USDA eGovernment Executive

2 U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 2  Welcome  Briefing Topics  Guest Speaker: Quicksilver eTraining  Tactical Planning  Business Case Update  Q & A  Next Steps and Wrap-up Agenda

3 U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 3 EGWG Briefing Topics Past Briefings:  Universal Telecommunications Network (UTN) — February 13  (Quicksilver) — February 20  eEligibility (Quicksilver) — February 27  Geospatial One Stop (Quicksilver) —March 13  Integrated Acquisition System (eProcurement) — March 13  Capital Planning and Investments (CPIC) — March 27 Today’s Briefing:  eTraining (Quicksilver) Planned Briefings:  Additional USDA-related Quicksilver initiatives  Cyber Security  Enterprise Architecture  GPEA/Paperwork Reduction Act

4 U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 4 Agenda  Welcome  Briefing Topics  Guest Speaker: Quicksilver eTraining  Tactical Planning  Business Case Update  Q & A  Next Steps and Wrap-up

5 U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 5 Guest Speaker Guest Speaker: Keith Namock, Forest Service Quicksilver e-Training

6 U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 6 Agenda  Welcome  Briefing Topics  Guest Speaker: Quicksilver eTraining  Tactical Planning  Business Case Update  Q & A  Next Steps and Wrap-up

7 U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 7 Agency Tactical Plans: Schedule Complete drafts of the Agency Tactical Plans were due at the end of March, and the final versions should have approval from agency administrators by this Friday.

8 U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 8 Agency Tactical Plans: Progress & Status Update  First drafts received from 13 agencies  Very high quality, represent a lot of hard work  Complete drafts were due March 29  Were received from 10 agencies  Comments on second round of drafts have been returned  Final, Administrator-approved versions of the plans are due this Friday, April 12

9 U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 9 Agency Tactical Plans: Common Trouble Spots  Information collections  ‘Information collections’ in the tactical plans refer to collections of information from the public regulated by the Paperwork Reduction Act  Each PRA-regulated information collection has an 8 digit control number issued by OMB; control numbers for USDA begin with 05.  Example OMB Control Number: 0505-1234  PRA information collections are important because they are also the set of transactions that GPEA requires be electronically enabled by 2003.  Summary tables for agency and Departmental initiatives  In some plans, initiatives were included under multiple goals in the summary tables; instead, each initiative should only appear once in the summary table, under the goal with which it is most directly aligned

10 U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 10  Financial information (estimated budget/spending data in Section V, all of Section VI)  Part A of section VI requires no additional calculations; it is simply a summary of the budget information presented in section V.  Part B (current IT spending by stakeholder group) is understandably difficult; if you cannot reasonably acquire this information, make estimates based on your agency’s current or recent IT budget/spending information.  Several agencies have raised the question of including staff time as part of budget data; for the purposes of the plans, staff time should not be included (although you can include staff time in a footnote). eGovernment Baseline  The eGovernment baseline is an important part of the tactical plan, as it includes all existing agency eGovernment applications  Completed baselines were only received from two agencies, however  You should have received a copy of your agency’s baseline along with your Tactical Plan briefing packet, back in February; if you need another copy, please contact us ASAP at or Agency Tactical Plans: Common Trouble Spots

11 U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 11 Agency Tactical Plans: Common Agency-Specific Initiatives  In addition to linkages with the Department’s eGovernment Strategic Plan, several agencies had similar agency-specific initiatives  Agencies may wish to take advantage of these similarities to integrate their initiatives, or to simply collaborate and share knowledge.  Common initiatives include:  Extranets  Commodity data/market news  Telecommunications/infrastructure  Including wireless applications

12 U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 12 Agenda  Welcome  Briefing Topics  Guest Speaker: Quicksilver eTraining  Tactical Planning  Business Case Update  Q & A  Next Steps and Wrap-up

13 U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 13 Business Case Update  All business case teams are working, and most are on track to have their cases created by April 19 th with a lot of hard work in between  Per Dr. Parham’s presentation and IT Call Memo: April 30th deadline for inclusion as “major” investment  Business Case Template/Guide has been distributed to all teams  This guide will aid teams in putting together a business case narrative  Associated finance tools and capital planning guidance will aid teams in determining financial aspects of business case  Four half-day seminars with Mark Forman and OMB discussing business cases will be held tomorrow and Thursday, April 10 th and 11 th.  Attendees from across the federal government will learn about and discuss OMB’s revised Exhibit 300 and the business case process, especially how it relates to eGovernment  Morning of 10 th full. All others have very limited space. Call eGovernment Team to check availability at 202.720.6144

14 U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 14  Welcome  Briefing Topics  Guest Speaker: Quicksilver eTraining  Tactical Planning  Business Case Update  Q & A  Next Steps and Wrap-up Agenda

15 U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 15 Questions and Answers ??

16 U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 16  Welcome  Briefing Topics  Guest Speaker: Quicksilver eTraining  Tactical Planning  Business Case Update  Q & A  Next Steps and Wrap-up Agenda

17 U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 17 Next Steps & Wrapup  If you have not submitted a complete draft of your Tactical Plan, please send ASAP Remember to submit eGovernment baseline with Tactical Plan (since it is an appendix to the plan) Final, Administrator-approved versions due this Friday, April 12  1/2-day Business Case Seminar by OMB including Mark Forman on April 10th and April 11th hosted at USDA  We continue to welcome your contributions to and suggestions about the eGovernment Web site, including news, agency highlights, Guidebook resources, etc. In the Spotlight suggestions? WebCAAF and Dennis Lytle/GIS are in process…  Next meeting: Wednesday, April 24, 2002

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