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SQUADS #2 Learning Intentions - Today, I am going to address these College Readiness Standards in English: 1. Conventions of Punctuation 16-19, 24-27 2.

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Presentation on theme: "SQUADS #2 Learning Intentions - Today, I am going to address these College Readiness Standards in English: 1. Conventions of Punctuation 16-19, 24-27 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 SQUADS #2 Learning Intentions - Today, I am going to address these College Readiness Standards in English: 1. Conventions of Punctuation 16-19, 24-27 2. Conventions of Usage 20-23 3. Organization, Unity, and Coherence 24-27 4. Topic Development in Terms of Purpose and Focus 16-19 5. Word Choice in Terms of Style, Tone, Clarity, and Economy 20-23, 24- 27 Success Criteria – I will know I am successful if I can identify the correct use of punctuation, usage, and word choice, as well as select the most appropriate addition to a sentence in terms of its purpose and focus. “9 th Grade English” CPW

2 9 th Grade English #1.I ride this trail nearly every day – not on a bike, but on “Luigi.” That’s the nickname I gave my motorized wheelchair. A. NO CHANGE B. day; not on a bike C. day not on a bike D. day, not on a bike;

3 9 th Grade English 2. Luigi’s motor moves slowly as we venture along the trail. I can hear the gravel quietly crunching beneath Luigi’s rubber wheels. I hear the songs of cardinals in the trees and the clamor of crickets in the grasses. – If the narrator wants to emphasize the positive, friendly attitude toward Luigi, which choice would most logically and effectively accomplish this? A. NO CHANGE B. travels safely C. proceeds carefully D. purrs softly

4 9 th Grade English 3. Bicyclists streak past in a blur of color and a cloud of dust I don’t understand their hurry. A. NO CHANGE B. dust, however, C. dust. D. dust,

5 9 th Grade English #4.Rivera’s frescoes appeared on the outside walls of buildings in Mexico City, in plain sight of any passerby. This brought art out of the elite galleries by catering to the upper class and literally to the public. A. NO CHANGE B. that catered C. while catering D. and catered

6 9 th Grade English 5. In some cases, a pattern of stars may represent a simple object that has meaning in day-to-day life. In other cases, the pattern, or constellation, may be a figure with a different kind of meaning. A. NO CHANGE B. pattern, or constellation C. pattern or constellation, D. pattern or constellation:

7 9 th Grade English 6. Three bright stars that I’ve read about have acquired significance for many viewers around the globe. – Given that all the choices are true, which one offers visual information about the stars as they appear in modern times? A. NO CHANGE B. have different names in different cultures C. formed long before any of us were born D. together roughly form a straight line

8 9 th Grade English #7. Three bright stars that I’ve read about have acquired significance for many viewers around the globe. Which of the following alternatives to the underlined portion would NOT be acceptable? A. observers B. overseers C. night-sky watchers D. stargazers

9 9 th Grade English #8. In some agricultural parts of Japan, for instance, these three stars are commonly referred to as Karasuki and represent a three-pronged plow. – Given that all of the choices are true, which one provides a detail that has the most direct connection to the information that follows in this sentence? A. NO CHANGE B. distant C. populated D. historic

10 9 th Grade English #9. It’s awesome that in other parts of Japan, the same three stars appear in a constellation representing the floor-length sleeve of a woman’s kimono. A. NO CHANGE B. You’ll be amazed to learn that in C. Consider, if you will, the notion that in D. In

11 9 th Grade English #10. In other parts of Japan, the same three stars appear in a constellation representing the floor-length sleeve of a woman’s kimono. In still other parts of Japan, this shining trio appears in the center of an hourglass-shaped drum, a tsuzumi. A. NO CHANGE B. In Japan’s imagination, this C. In Japan, this D. This

12 CPW 9 th Grade English Exchange your answer sheet with that of another squad… Launch the PDF.

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