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WHAT’S HOT IN HR: MANAGING THE GENERATION GAP. THE GENERATIONS  This is the first time in Canadian history that we have had four generation working side-by-side.

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Presentation on theme: "WHAT’S HOT IN HR: MANAGING THE GENERATION GAP. THE GENERATIONS  This is the first time in Canadian history that we have had four generation working side-by-side."— Presentation transcript:


2 THE GENERATIONS  This is the first time in Canadian history that we have had four generation working side-by-side in the workplace  Veterans (1922-1943)  Baby-boomers (1943-1960)  Generation X (1960-1980)  Generation Y (millenials) (1980-2000)

3 CHARACTERISTICS OF THE GENERATIONS VeteransBaby BoomersGeneration XGeneration Y MotivatorsDuty and responsibility Promotions, pay raises, being in charge, building community Project ownership, independence and responsibility, making a difference, challenging work Acknowledgement, socially responsible employers, adequate pay to enjoy life, strong focused leadership Work ethicLive to work Command and control leadership Live to work Long tenures Respect for superiors Commitment to organization Face-time is important Collegial leadership Teamwork Work to live Short tenures (3-5 years) Commitment to work Entrepreneurial Prefer self- management Respect is earned, not based on position Work to live Work time must be meaningful and productive Multi-tasking Open, constant communication Adequate and positive supervision Goal oriented

4 CHARACTERISTICS OF THE GENERATIONS VeteransBaby Boomers Generation XGeneration Y Work Environment Thrive on hard work Follows the rules Feedback/rewar d: satisfied with a job well done Competitive Hierarchical decision making Number of hours worked=produc tivity Teamwork critical to success Flex-time crucial Transparent structure and communication Participatory decision-making Technology used to increase productivity Collaborative decision making Transparent structure and communication Best technology used for everything Mentorship Uninterested in O/T Communicat ion Style Formal (e.g. Memo) Avoids technology Telephone Face-to-face E-mail Cell phone E-mail Facebook Blogs Texting Twitter



7 KEYS TO SUCCESS  Build good communication between groups  Seeing other ways of doing things as legitimate builds confidence in the whole  Hiring with these generational issues in mind  Team work between generations is possible  Look to the Otters

8 IF YOU WANT TO KNOW MORE…  If you want more information on HOW to manage the generation gap see:  The Director’s Guide to Thriving as a Non-Profit Leader (Chapter on Establishing Productive Staff relationships)  2 2

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