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Blizzards By: Fatima.

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Presentation on theme: "Blizzards By: Fatima."— Presentation transcript:

1 Blizzards By: Fatima

2 Where Do Blizzards Occur?
Blizzards mostly occur in eastern and central Canada, northern Great Plains South Dakota is sometimes called “Blizzard State”

3 How Often Do Blizzards Happen?
Blizzards can happen when it is constantly snowing The average blizzards occur times in united States Blizzard of ‘96 Blizzard of ‘78

4 What Features Of A blizzards Are Earth involved?
Blizzard are usually made up by low temperature (0 degrees Fahrenheit) and by winds that are at least 35mph or greater

5 Blizzard of 2010 Blizzard of 2010 was a major nor‘easter storm that hit the United States from northern Florida to Maine and some of Canada The roads and airports were closed and helicopters were flying in the air

6 What are Extreme Conditions Blizzard Can Do?
Blizzards can kill or injure many people. When there’s blowing snow it can cause conditions that make driving and walking nearly impossible Blizzards can get people can get stuck at work and they can close the airports and stores

7 What Are After Affects An A Blizzard?
Blizzards paralyze or damage the whole city A lot of people die, injured, or memory loss

8 Things To Remember: Always stay indoors Walk carefully if outdoors
Drive only if necessary: do not travel alone Watch the news Keep dry: change wet clothing to prevent a loss body heat

9 What Are Key Terms Related To A Blizzards
Wind Speed- Anemometer Wind Direction- Wind Vane Temperature- Thermometer Precipitation- Rain gauge

10 Interesting Facts About A Blizzard
Blizzard got it’s name from an Iowa Newspaper Nearly every part of the United States has received snow and even most of south Florida has had some flurries

11 Sources FEMA (Natural Disasters): weather
The World Book Encyclopedia. Vol.2. Chicago: World Book, Print. "Blizzard." Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6Th Edition (2011): 1. Middle Search Plus. Web. 9 Feb FEMA (Natural Disasters): weather

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