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Physics. Why pick Physics? About 50% of 3 rd level courses involve science, medicine or technology. –Physics is usually part of these courses. –Choosing.

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Presentation on theme: "Physics. Why pick Physics? About 50% of 3 rd level courses involve science, medicine or technology. –Physics is usually part of these courses. –Choosing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Physics

2 Why pick Physics? About 50% of 3 rd level courses involve science, medicine or technology. –Physics is usually part of these courses. –Choosing physics keeps options open. –Physics can be hard to pick up as a new subject at 3 rd level. –It is worth taking at least one science subject.

3 40% of physics graduates earn over €60,000 per annum. Physics opens doors to many careers. It is a highly regarded subject at both school and college level. Physics graduates can end up in a wide variety of careers. It is a good choice if you are interested in science (Physics), technology, astronomy etc.

4 Content of Course Content can be divided into 5 general areas –Mechanics –Light/Sound/Waves –Electricity/Magnetism/Electron –Radioactivity/Nuclear Physics –Option – Particle Physics There are 24 mandatory practical's – these must be written up. Section A on paper (30%) is based on these.

5 Good choice on the Paper Paper has two sections Section A Answer 3 out of 4 questions based on 24 compulsory experiments – 30% Section B Answer 5 out of 8 questions – 70%. Two questions have a choice within them. One question is based on an optional topic which we always do.

6 Is Physics Hard? Like any leaving cert subject there is a lot of learning, especially definitions. Formulas are now given. Much more detail is required when compared to the junior cert. A small number of topics are a difficult. –However, this is true of all subjects, especially if you take higher level.

7 Physics is a two year course – not two months cramming at the end!! If you like science, are good at maths and work consistently then it is a manageable subject.

8 Physics HL National Figures for 2014 Typically > 70% get a C or higher Two thirds do Higher level In Loreto most students do higher level

9 Do you need to be good at Maths to do Physics? You need to be able to do calculations, know basic algebra and geometry. You do not have to do H.L. maths for the leaving. About 30% of the marks in the leaving cert are for maths type questions.

10 To do higher level physics you should have an honour in higher level Junior Cert Maths (preferably an A or B). This is not compulsory, but you will probably find the subject difficult or opt for Ordinary level. People who are good at maths are often good at the type of thinking needed for physics.

11 Will you like Physics? Do you like science? Do you like practical work? Did you like physics for the junior cert? Do you switch off if a science programme is on the TV?

12 Science in Ireland Ireland has a strong tradition in science and technology Science Foundation Ireland funds a very wide range of research in Ireland Many of the top technology companies now have large operations in Ireland If you are interested in science there are opportunities for you in Ireland Physics graduates are very employable

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