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Recurring Decimals All recurring decimals can be written as fractions They are rational numbers.

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Presentation on theme: "Recurring Decimals All recurring decimals can be written as fractions They are rational numbers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Recurring Decimals All recurring decimals can be written as fractions They are rational numbers

2 Recurring Decimals To write recurring decimals as fractions, we use a simple multiplying method…

3 Recurring Decimals e.g. 0.333333333… Let x = 0.333333333… Then 10x = 3.333333… We do a subtraction…

4 Recurring Decimals 10x = 3.33333333… - x = 0.33333333… 9x = 3 X = 3 = 1 9 3

5 Recurring Decimals e.g. 0.565656… Let x = 0.5656565… 100x = 56.56565656… We do a subtraction…

6 100x = 56.56565656… - x = 0.565656565 99x = 56 X = 56 99

7 Recurring Decimals Reminder: Recurring decimals are written by using a dot:. e.g. 0.3333333…. = 0.3

8 Now you try Convert the decimals to fractions –0.545454….. –0.599999….

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