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Cornerstone Pastors Network Master’s Group Session # 10.

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Presentation on theme: "Cornerstone Pastors Network Master’s Group Session # 10."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cornerstone Pastors Network Master’s Group Session # 10

2 Agenda 8:45 Arrival, breakfast and fellowship 9:00 Koinonia Connection 10:00 “Hand of the Lord Time” 10:30 Creating a Culture of Generosity 12:00 Lunch 12:30 GPS 2:15 Wrap up / Debrief the day / Admin 2:30 Adjournment

3 PASTHere is something about my past that would help you know me better DEFINING A difficult life experience which helped me MOMENT grow as a person was.. VALUESHere’s what I stand for… X X Information Only Information + Feelings Koinonia Connection

4 Hand of the Lord

5 What is your current practice related to: 1.Teaching about giving? 2.Developing and communicating about the church’s budget and finances? How would you say the average person in the church views church finances?

6 Creating a Culture of GENEROSITY

7 Defining Generosity: How would you define generosity? What would you say are some key characteristics of generosity?

8 Understanding Generosity Read 2 Corinthians 8:1-7 What do you learn from this passage about generosity?

9 gen·er·os·i·ty noun : the quality of being kind, understanding, and not selfish : the quality of being generous; especially : willingness to give money and other valuable things to others Merriam-Webster Dictionary

10 Generosity Characteristics: A trait A value A lifestyle

11 Defining Stewardship: How would you define stewardship? What would you say are some key characteristics of stewardship?

12 Understanding Stewardship Read Matthew 25:14-30 What do you learn from this parable about the role of a steward?

13 stew·ard·ship noun : the activity or job of protecting and being responsible for something Merriam-Webster Dictionary

14 Stewardship Characteristics: A role A relationship A responsibility “A steward is responsible for wisely managing the belongings of another in order to maximize the purposes of the owner.”

15 Martin Marty: “Generosity, unlike stewardship, has no limits. It’s not that you’ve got to be generous, but you get to be. It’s not haranguing or threatening. It’s liberation!”

16 Examples of God’s Generosity: Creation Manna and quail in the wilderness Oil and meal that do not run out Lunch for 5,000 from 5 loaves and 2 fish Nets breaking from a catch of fish More wine instead of water at the wedding Banquet tables set for all who will come Share a few recent examples from your own experience

17 Most church leaders focus on the responsibility of Stewardship… and relegate the Godly trait of Generosity to a distant second place. The reality should be that wise Stewardship makes the joy of Godly Generosity possible. The goal should be a church full of happily generous people.

18 Growing Generosity into a church’s culture 1.Generosity begins with leaders (start the perspective change here) 2.Leaders communicate abundance (communicate changed perspective consistently)

19 Growing Generosity into a church’s culture 3. Disciple-making process includes teaching about generosity (get the new perspective in the drinking water) 4. Use appropriate language for the new perspective (see next slide)

20 Growing Generosity into a church’s culture LANGUAGE: Ministry Plan (not budget) My Personal Giving Plan (not pledge) Contributions (not income) Costs (not expenses) Solutions, Opportunities (not church needs) Outcomes, Results (not deficits) Use ‘Stewardship’ and ‘Generosity’

21 Growing Generosity into a church’s culture Tell the stories: God’s story of grace and redemption Your congregation’s story of love Personal stories of changed lives

22 Growing Generosity into a church’s culture Create giving experiences because: Information does not change behavior! Experience (behavior) changes behavior Plan and receive a simple $2.00 Offering

23 What one or two immediate adjustments do you think would be helpful in your context to begin shifting perspective toward GENEROSITY ?






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