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New Outlooks I.Intro II.Palestine A.Hebrews-Religion B.Unique Qualities III.Greece A.Early History & Daily Life B.Geography C.Women IV.Conc. Key Terms.

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2 New Outlooks I.Intro II.Palestine A.Hebrews-Religion B.Unique Qualities III.Greece A.Early History & Daily Life B.Geography C.Women IV.Conc. Key Terms Judaism Abraham Moses Polis Greek Alphabet Acropolis Agora Kyrios

3 Their Influence On Us Today 1.An alphabet with only 30 letters. 2.Religion They were the first to practice monotheism; their God was concerned with people’s righteousness

4 Origins Of Palestine Beginning about 1900 BC many Hebrew people left Mesopotamia and traveled west. It is believed that Abraham led many to Palestine; others went to Egypt. About 1200 BC there was an “Exodus” out of Egypt possibly led by Moses.

5 Ten Commandments Sacrifices & worship were not enough; their God demanded people interact in certain ways: Don’t murder, steal, lie; no adultery, etc. 10 th Commandment –Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour’s.  No gender equality

6 Judaism-Unique Qualities Strict rules concerning meal preparation Not many mixed-marriages A messiah would come one day Belief in only one God (monotheism) for ALL Sabbath became a holiday (Ten Commandments) Dead Sea Scrolls

7 Kingdom Of Palestine (ca. 1000-587 BC) Saul, David & Solomon were important kings.

8 Role/Function Of Laws/Religion RegionReligionLawsMisc. MesopotamiaReligion explained natural events; Laws were written & provided ethics-but Church /State were one Polytheistic; uncertainty & instability EgyptAfterlife & natural events; Pharaoh was a god on earth No need; Pharaoh’s word was law. Polytheistic; Ma’at provided ethics; stable & prosperous Palestine (Judaism) Some natural events, ethical behavior (Ten Commandments) Written down First to worship a single God

9 Ancient Greece Their impact on us today… System of government, theater, arts, sports, medicine, philosophy, etc. Alphabet-modified the 30 character alphabet & spread it throughout Mediterranean world

10 Daily Life-Food Olives were an important crop Grains & fish were common; meat (pork) was mostly for celebrations; goats & sheep = dairy & wool; honey Figs & grapes were grown; grapes were used for wine (not much beer)

11 Olive Trees Summer 2007 Fire Damage Gove of Olive Trees

12 Geography & Polis Organization of each was very similar: Acropolis-(high city) located on a hill Agora-public places for a market, public meetings; laws were posted & discussed here Polis is often defined as “city-state.”

13 Women’s Roles A woman was always under the control of her “Kyrios” (her master) & marriage was arranged A wife’s duties: –Manage the household –Provide a male heir Women were supposed to remain inside the home Women in “Domestic Sphere ”

14 New Outlooks I.Intro II.Palestine A.Hebrews-Religion B.Unique Qualities III.Greece A.Early History & Daily Life B.Geography C.Women IV.Conc. Key Terms Judaism Abraham Moses Polis Greek Alphabet Acropolis Agora Kyrios

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