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Welcome to the Year 7 Parent Learning Evening!. What is this evening for? To help build the home school partnership To explain aspects of your child’s.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the Year 7 Parent Learning Evening!. What is this evening for? To help build the home school partnership To explain aspects of your child’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the Year 7 Parent Learning Evening!

2 What is this evening for? To help build the home school partnership To explain aspects of your child’s learning To give the information needed to support your child at home To show you what your child has been doing!

3 Parent engagement in students’ learning: the national picture 16% actively share information about their school day with parents. 82% of parents admit they don’t know as much as they would like! 43% find it difficult to extract information from their child about their school day

4 Supporting your child at home Look at their work with them Provide a routine for working at home Offer praise! Ask specific questions: -Best/worst thing? -What did you learn today in…..? -How will you get better at…? -What do you need to do next to improve?

5 Your child’s report Target Current Grade Attitude to Learning Attendance

6 Targets: Where do they come from? Based on: National comparisons KS2 results Teacher knowledge Have a bit of challenge Languages levels will be lower!

7 Targets and grades given in levels Year 7 Well above average: 6 Above average: 5 Average: 4 Below average: 3 5a: top level 5 5b: middle level 5 5c: bottom level 5

8 A written target Reports also explain what to do next to improve

9 Attitude to Learning A: Always B: Usually C: Sometimes D: Rarely In detail in student planners

10 Monitoring and actions based on student performance By Head of Year, Tutor, Head of Subject, teacher Letters of praise or concern Meetings with students Meetings with parents Discussions with subjects Supporting students who are underachieving

11 Attendance is important Government Target: 95% is satisfactory Two days off a month: 10% learning lost A day off a week: 20% learning lost Students self review each term.

12 Attendance is important When lose learning time: Hard to keep friendships going. Hard to keep up with new areas of study. Lose some of the skills because of lack of practice. Miss out on building relationships with teachers. Studies feel harder.

13 Reports will be going on-line

14 Role of the Tutor First point of contact Knows your child best Supports friendships Monitors progress and behaviour Tutorial programme

15 Learning at Patchway

16 Learning Challenge at Patchway Community College

17 What is Learning Challenge? Skills based learning 4 times a week In our tutor groups With one teacher Gives us ‘tools for learning’

18 What have we learnt so far? Smarts What type of learners are we? word people sound number body self picture

19 Team work We have learned how to work in a team PAR Loop Spaghetti Towers!

20 Reflection on learning W hat W ent W ell W hat W ent W ell E ven B etter I f

21 How to be creative and Enterprising How to generate ideas Yes, No, Po PMI (plus, minus, interesting) How to generate ideas Yes, No, Po PMI (plus, minus, interesting)

22 Logo Challenge Had to work in House Teams Create ideas Assess each others ideas Choose a winning House Logo WWW / EBI

23 Planning and organising

24 The rest of the year….

25 Range of lessons and experiences

26 Extended Learning (Homework!) Project based Develop learning skills: -independence -planning -time management Short homeworks as well

27 Marking Diagnostic marking Whole class feedback Individual verbal feedback Electronic feedback Peer assessment Self assessment

28 The Gateway to Learning (G2L)

29 More than just an announcements board and resource bank! A place to interact and engage with the subject in and out of lessons. Discussion boards Resources 24/7 access Blogs and wikis Handing in work Links to external sites

30 Adding Work The student clicks on ‘New’ and then ‘New Item’ In the ‘Title’ box the student must name the file something appropriate To attach a file click on ‘Attach file’ then ‘browse’ and find the file needed to upload – The file needs to be closed to successfully upload Click ‘OK’ once you have named and uploaded the work

31 The Way Ahead….

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