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Parent teacher conference Sophia Nov. 5 th 2012. Lesson 1- what is the next term in this counting sequence?- 10,15,20, answer: 25 30 35 Lesson 2- Which.

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Presentation on theme: "Parent teacher conference Sophia Nov. 5 th 2012. Lesson 1- what is the next term in this counting sequence?- 10,15,20, answer: 25 30 35 Lesson 2- Which."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parent teacher conference Sophia Nov. 5 th 2012

2 Lesson 1- what is the next term in this counting sequence?- 10,15,20, answer: 25 30 35 Lesson 2- Which of these numbers are not even? A- 300 B- 232 C -323 Answer: C Lesson 3- How much money is half of $5.00? Answer=$2.50 Lesson 4- Which is greater? – 97 O 101 Answer= 101 Lesson 5- Use words to name $563.45 answer= Five hundred sixty three dollars and forty five cents Lesson 6-The sum of 5 one-digit numbers is certain to be A-greater than 4 B-less than 50 Can odd number answer=A greater than 4 Lesson 7-Fuve birds were on a branch, could half of them fly away? Why or why not ? Answer=No. NO because five cant divide equally into half's unless one of the birds some how go split in half. Lesson 8-18-9=9 Lesson 9-Write a three digit even number less than 200 hundred using 1 2 and 3 answer=132 Lesson 10-Compare (answer the problem before comparing) 100-10 > 100-20 (100-10 =90 and 100-20=80) Lesson 11-Ecry monring Kayla runs to the tracks and back.If the round trip is 3 miles, how far is it to the tracks? Answer= 1.50 miles to the tracks. Go to pg 2 of math

3 Lesson 12-use tally mars to show number seven answer= IIII/ II Lesson 13-There are 5 rows of desks with six desks in each row,how many desks are there? Answer=30 desks Lesson 14- 45 – S =? Answer = S = 24 Lesson 15-8 x 4=32 Lesson 16-Jill had $24 she spent $8 Then how much money did Jill have left? Answer= $16.00 Lesson 17-907x9=5463 Lesson 18-5x12x7=(5x12=60) answer=420 Lesson 19- 10 ~ 30 Answer= 3 Lesson 20-Use words to show how this is read-12~6= answer twelve divided by six Lesson21-30 desks are arranged in 6 equal rows How many desks are in each row? Answer= 5 Lesson22-5~16=? Answer 3 R1 Lesson23-the fraction 3 fourths is equal to what percent? answer=75% Lesson24-8-(4+2)= 2 Lesson 25-List the factors of 20 answer= 1,2,4,5,10,20 Lesson 26-3~$8.52=$ 2 8 Lesson 27-What temperature is shown by this thermometer? (thermometer shows 82 degrees F) Lesson 28-How many minutes are in an hour? 60 mins Lesson 29-200 x 3= 500 Lesson 30-What percent is this? *answer = answer=50%

4 Lesson 1 – Plaid, measure, bandage. Plaid – A fabric woven in a tartan or chekered pattern Measure – To measure size shape or weight Bandage – A cloth type material to cover wounds Lesson 2-Needle, speech, reason Needle – A needle used fore sewing or knitting Speech- A language or a talk given to the audience. Reason – why you do something Lesson 3- bamboo fraud appoint baboo-A tipe of tree often found in china appoint-arangments fraud-a fake- imposter Lesson 4-Hurrying – moving quickly Dropped- letting some thing fall or falling dried- something has its moister removed Lesson 5-Catcus-a plant that is usually green and has thorns Royalty- a ruler of a house or land are twice- doing soemthing 2 times Lesson 6-shuffle- to move feet close together hobble-a type of shelter / house gridle- something you cook things like pankakes on Lesson 7-Hurricane-a strong wind storm commom in tropics Common- to happen frequently appele- you like it or you ask orders

5 Chapter 1- In this chapter we learned about cells and how they duplicate and we learned about the human bodies joints and organs (how they can work to gather to form a system) And nerves and how they let you feel if your hands on fire or not. Chapter 2- In this chapter we learned classification of species, Vascular plants and non vascular plants and, amphibians. Chapter 3- in this chapter we learned about asexual reproduction which is where the body can reproduce on its own, we also learned about sexual reproduction which I s where the male and female cells need to reproduce together… we also learned about chromosomes, chromosomes are the set of instruction that make you they also decide if you are normal or not. (unit A`s chapters 1-4 all ) (unit b chapter 1-2) Chapter 1 – In this chapter we learned about the nitrogen cycle,the nitrogen cycle is where it is fixed or changed into a form plants could use we also learned about evaporation, evaporation is when water gets soaked up from the sun Chapter 2-In this chapter we learned about habitat, habitat is a place fore specific life forms we also learned about food chains which when theirs an animal that eats one animal and a decomposer.

6 Lesson 1 : Humiliation – When you are embarrassed Expectations : The hopes of a certain action or attitude. Lesson 2 : Smirk –a smile that is not nice. Exhilarated- very tired Lesson 3 : Pried – taken away from something Desperately: You are trying desperately to get some thing trying very hard Lesson 4 : Infuriated – very annoyed impassable- you can not pass Lesson 5: Genial – nice restrain – to keep away Lesson 6: Grate full-happy you have something swarmed- a bunch of things all around in one place Lesson 7 :Nudged -You give some one or something a light push assured – telling someone that it will happen Lesson 8: Destiny – it was meant to be fate Crisis- Teribble

7 Lesson 1: Complete, declarative, and Interrogative sentences. Declarate sentence : My favorite movie is Apollo18. Lesson 2:Imperative and exclamatory sentences. Exclamatory : Wow! That’s like totally cool! Lesson 3 and 4: Writing connection. Some times these musicians' (A) (A)=win Lesson 5: Review of lesson 3 and 4 Some times I like to eat (Z) (Z) = strawberries Lesson 6: Compound subjects and predicates. Compound subject : Amelia and Melissa ate at the dinner. Lesson 7:Simple and compound subject simple: My sister ate pie compound My friend and I ate a cake. Lesson 8 ; Prepositions and prepesitanol phrases My cat and (I went to the dinner) () =prep. Phrase

8 Chapter one: Census – a group of people who count the amount of people in the U.S.A Citizen – a person in a community History – some thing that happened in the past Constitution – A statement of fundamental laws Perspective – the way you or some one else sees some thing Chapter 2: Landform – a form on the land not made by humans, but made by the earth Temperature – How hot or cold something is Recycle – to reuse something Mineral – inorganic thing in nature Humid – the air feels wet Chapter 3:Slavery-peole that have been bought to work (Usually African American ) Archeologist – A person who studys old buildings or artifacts from hundreds of years ago Drought – a long period of time with no rain or moister Irrigation – You water your crops Empire - Land ruled by one person ~ the empire *CONTINUE TO 2 nd SLIDE OF SOCIAL STUDYS*CONTINUE TO 2 nd SLIDE OF SOCIAL STUDYS*

9 Chapter 4: Technology – A way of doing some thing Adobe- A type of mud used to make houses Prairie – Flat land Clan – A group of people who are like…a tribe Compromise – Figuring out a way both would be happy but not get their exact way

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