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Understanding the Origins of the U.S. Government.

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Presentation on theme: "Understanding the Origins of the U.S. Government."— Presentation transcript:

1 Understanding the Origins of the U.S. Government

2 Pre-Colonial Political Theory Developments 1.Evolution of Power: absolute government to limited government a)Divine Right of Kings a)Absolute authority to govern land! a)No questions by any b)Magna Carta 1215 c.e. a)King John was forced to sign it by his barons b)King could be held accountable c)Established some rights d)Effectiveness throughout history was limited…but a theory was being established

3 Pre-Colonial Political Theory Developments (cont.) 1.Evolution of Power: absolute government to limited government c)English Parliament is established and grows for 400 years (1200-1600). Petition of Right Bill of Rights d)Charter: “a written grant of authority from the king” (class text 31)

4 Important Colonial Facts The 13 Colonies were not all the same – Different governance Royal colonies: the direct control of the Crown. – Often after original charter lapsed or was revoked Proprietary Colonies: ruled by a person whom the king had granted the land to. Charter Colonies: basically self- governing. – Didn’t have to check with Mother for laws, etc.

5 Important Colonial Facts The 13 Colonies were not all the same – Economic Differences South: agricultural – cash crops North: industrial, subsistence farming – Varying populations

6 Reasons for a unified fight against British rule Dissatisfaction with lack of representation in the British parliament – Taxes could be levied on the colonies w/o any say – Exports had to go through England

7 Results First Continental Congress 1774 – Boycott of English trade – Appeal to King George III protesting policies American Revolution begins 1775-1781 Second Continental Congress 1775 – An unlawful assembly and den of traitors (English take) – First government Declaration of Independence 1776 States draft their own constitutions 1776-77 Articles of Confederation 1777 Treaty of Paris 1783 U.S. Constitution 1787

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