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CYTOKINES!. 02 Initial cytokines to respond to injury and infection? TNF-  and IL-1.

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2 02 Initial cytokines to respond to injury and infection? TNF-  and IL-1

3 02 Which cells are largest producers of TNF-  ? Macrophages

4 02 Which cytokine is responsible for fever? IL-1 Alveolar macrophages release IL-1 which is why you can get fever with atelectasis.

5 02 Which cytokine increases hepatic acute phase proteins? IL-6

6 02 Lymphocytes release what in response to viral infection? Interferons

7 02 CRP, amyloid A & P, fibrinogen, haptoglobin, ceruloplasmin,  -1 antitrypsin,  -1 antichymotrypsin, and C3 are examples of what? Hepatic acute phase proteins - Most potent stimulant for release? - IL-6

8 02 Which factor is the convergence point of the classic and alternative complement pathways? C3

9 02 Mechanism of action of NSAIDs? Inhibits cyclooxygenase (reversible)

10 02 Drug that is an irreversible cyclooxygenase inhibitor? Aspirin

11 02 AspirinNSAIDS -

12 What enzyme do steroids inhibit? Phospholipase

13 02 These are “slow-reacting substances of anaphylaxis”? Leukotrienes

14 02 When do catecholamines peak? 24-48 hours post injury

15 02 Epinephrine released primarily from? Adrenal medulla

16 02 CXC chemokines promote chemotaxis, angiogenesis, and wound healing - what are those chemokines? IL-8 Platelet factor 4

17 02 Primary mediators of reperfusion injury? PMNs

18 02 Chronic granulomatous disease is a defect in which enzyme? NADPH oxidase

19 02 Precursor for nitric oxide? (NO is also called endothelium-derived relaxing factor (EDRF)) Arginine

20 02

21 Main source of histamine in blood and tissue respectively? Basophils and mast cells

22 02 Enzyme that inactivates bradykinin? ACE

23 02 PAF (platelet-activating factor) is not stored - generated by? Phospholipase in endothelium

24 02 Overproduction of which factor can lead to fibrosis? TGF- 

25 02 Which factor can help accelerate wound healing? PDGF

26 02 Which factor helps stimulate angiogenesis and is involved in tumor metastasis? V-EGF

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