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Strategic Technology Plan Lincoln High School Sarah Simmons ETEC 6223 University of Arkansas.

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1 Strategic Technology Plan Lincoln High School Sarah Simmons ETEC 6223 University of Arkansas

2 Technology Vision: Introduction Lincoln High School, in Lincoln, Arkansas, houses grades 8-12 with approximately 550 students. The school is a New Tech High School and Charter School. The administration and faculty embrace the use of technology to enhance student learning as well as making technology an integral part of the students’ lifelong learning. To better accommodate the New Tech High School philosophy, the school has developed a team to plan for future 1:1 devices and technology integration and implementation.

3 LHS wants to establish an environment where... every student has an affordable technology device to enhance learning. all teachers are using technology to deliver instruction. all teachers are integrating technology within their content to prepare students for lifelong learning and workforce readiness. all teachers and students can access a the Internet with all wireless devices.

4 Technology Vision Statement “Lincoln High School recognizes that technology is vital to prepare students for lifelong learning and workforce readiness and strives to create a technology rich learning environment, utilizing cost- efficient 1:1 technologies that make learning engaging, relevant and effective and ensuring, emerging, equitable access to technology for all students while integrating curriculum and technology to inspire a collaborative learning community that can effectively find, evaluate, use, create, and share content.”

5 Technology Evaluation Questions What technology devices currently exist throughout the high school? Are the technology devices current or do they need to be updated? How is each device being used to enhance learning? And how often? How are teachers implementing the use of the technology devices to make technology an integral part of the student’s daily life? Are all students and teachers able to access the Internet? How is technical support and training provided to students and teachers?

6 Evaluation Findings Students indicated they had o personal devices and o some students had a school MacBook. o Some students reported having no device to use in the classroom to enhance learning. Not all teachers have access to the technology needed and many reported they were not adequately trained to effectively use or integrate technology Macbooks that the students were using were outdated, too costly to repair and replace, and not all students had access to a Macbook

7 Evaluation Findings There was not much time provided for technical support or training for teachers or students. The existing network needed upgraded to allow faster connection speeds and efficiency

8 Technology Needs Assessment What is needed for all teachers to be able to deliver content using technology to enhance student learning? What is needed for all students to have access to current affordable devices to use in the classroom to enhance learning and promote technology use as an integral part of their life-long learning? What training is needed to ensure all teachers are able to deliver content and enhance learning by integrating technology and make technology an integral part of the student’s daily life? How can LHS provide all students fast and efficient access to the Internet and technology resources at the same time while using technology devices in the classroom?

9 Needs Assessment Findings Need (Prioritized)Tied to Gathered Data in the Needs Assessment Provide current, up-to-date, affordable one- one devices to enhance learning for all students? Every student did not have a device, all devices were not working. Provide technology/devices for all teachers to be able to deliver content using technology? All teachers were not using the LMS; all devices were not working. Provide teacher training to make sure technology devices are being used and technology is being integrated in the classroom to enhance learning and make technology an integral part of the student’s daily life All teachers were not using technology devices and LMS. Some teachers were not integrating technology at all. Some teachers were not encouraging students to use devices. Some teachers did not know how to use an LMS or how to successfully integrate technology Provide fast and efficient connectivity for all students and teachers to access technology resources at the same time. Some teachers and students could not get online. Students and teachers were being kicked off their connections

10 Action Plan The plan includes four parts: 1.Provide cost effective 1:1 technology devices for all students 2.Provide fast Internet access for all students and teachers 3.Prepare all teachers for integrating technology into the curriculum and making technology an integral part of all students’ life-long learning process 4.Provide training and support to teachers for technology integration

11 The purpose of our action plan Through faculty and student interviews, surveys, and classroom observations, the stakeholders determined that the highest priority technology- related need is to provide all students with affordable devices and technology integration in all classrooms. The current devices are out of date and too costly to replace or repair and the teachers are not fully integrating technology into learning. Significantly improve student access to improved network speeds and Internet connectivity to accommodate all wireless devices.

12 Outcomes 1:1 Chromebooks for all students Whiteboards in all classrooms All teachers using an LMS PD for new devices and technology integration Updated network speed and connectivity

13 Implementation Timeline Action Item EventTime PeriodPerson Responsible Implement Action Plan1/5/15Project manager Upgrade network1/5/15 – 5/31/15Technology director Install all whiteboards (any classroom that does not have one) 1/5/15Technology director, Maintenance director Choose LMS1/5/15Committee Train teachers on whiteboards2//20/15Technology director, Tech integration specialist, tech teachers Train teachers on LMS3/13/15Technology director, Tech integration specialist, tech teachers Order Chromebooks7/1/15Technology Director End Year 1(Spring semester)July 2015 Roll out Chromebooks to teachers8/2/15Technology director and assistant technology director Train Teachers on Chromebooks8/5/15 – 8/7/15Technology Director, Technology integration specialists Develop PD for technology integration8/1/15 - /8/5/15Technology director, Tech integration specialist, tech teachers PD technology integration8/10/15 – 8/12/15Technology director, Tech integration specialist, tech teachers State required PD for teachers8/12/15 – 8/14/15High school principal Inventory all Chromebooks8/1/15Assistant Technology Director Roll out Chromebooks to students8/17/15 – 8/21/15Technology director and assistant technology director Train students on Chromebooks8/24/15 – 8/26/15Technology director, Tech integration specialist, tech teachers PD Teachers9/25/15Tech integration specialist Monitor technology use and integrationMonthly during the school yearTech integration specialist Survey teachers and studentsMay 2016Tech integration specialist End Year 2July 2016 Reflection on school year and technology integrationJuly 2016Committee Collect and Inventory devicesMay 2016Technology director Updates and maintenance on devicesJune – July 2016Technology director, assistant technology director Monitor technology use and integrationAugust 2016-Dec 2016Tech integration specialist

14 Evaluation Plan Students and teachers will be surveyed at beginning, middle, and end of the implementation process. Observations will be an ongoing use of monitoring- students will be observed using technology and then evaluated as to whether the technology is engaging the learners in the content. Focus Group Interviews will also be used during the monthly review meetings. The stakeholders will be asked about their perceptions, opinions, beliefs, and attitudes toward the progress of the strategic plan.

15 Two Year Timeline EventDurationDatePerson Responsible Stakeholders will meet and determine the timeline for the roll out of the 1:1 devices and teacher training and professional development 1 day12/15/14Project manager Focus Group Interviews1 day Monthly review meetings Project manager Network update5 days1/15/15Technology director PD for LMS and technology integration1 day2/15/15Tech integration specialist Conduct a survey after LMS PD1 day2/16/15Tech integration specialist Meet with stakeholders to evaluate implementation 1 day Monthly review meeting Project manager Teacher survey – needs for new school year 1 day8/1/15Tech integration specialist PD – integrating technology1 day8/8/15Tech integration specialist Roll out 1:1 devices5 days8/15/15Technology director Provide student training5 days8/15/15Technology director Teacher survey – needs during school year 1 day10/1/15Tech integration specialist PD – integrating technology1 dayOngoingTech integration specialist Teacher and student surveys1 dayMonthlyTech integration specialist Classroom observations2 daysEach quarterObservation team Teacher and student surveys1 dayEnd of yearTech integration specialist

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