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National Board Certification For You? And for You in the 2008 – 2009 School Year? Website: Toll-free: 1-800-22TEACH Current as of.

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Presentation on theme: "National Board Certification For You? And for You in the 2008 – 2009 School Year? Website: Toll-free: 1-800-22TEACH Current as of."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Board Certification For You? And for You in the 2008 – 2009 School Year? Website: Toll-free: 1-800-22TEACH Current as of November 20, 2007

2 First Things First There is a certificate that matches your teaching assignment? and You meet the eligibility criteria? Have you determined if …

3 Pre-Candidacy Support The success rate of candidates has increased since NBC Boot Camp began. The success rate for the 2006 – 2007 candidates is the highest ever for Delaware and exceeds the national average. This year, we have expanded our pre-candidacy requirements.

4 Requirements for DOE Financial Assistance and Support Attendance at one Awareness Meeting Participation in all three Pre- Candidacy Workshops (Jan. 12, Feb. 2, March 8) Completion of work after the Pre- Candidacy Workshops Participation in the full session of NBC Boot Camp (July 29-31)

5 DOE Financial Assistance and Support The preceding requirements apply to those interested in DOE financial assistance for first-time assessment fees and/or for retake assessment fees and all other support services. The preceding requirements also apply to self-paying candidates who want a DOE-supported NBCT facilitator and all other DOE support services.

6 Financial & Other Assistance Some districts offer financial assistance or reimbursement. Some districts offer other forms of assistance, such as professional development days, reimbursing for shipping the portfolio, access to laptop computers.

7 Assessment Fees Has been $2,500 with the initial $500 being non- refundable. $65 application fee, also non-refundable For the past years, DOE has had a loan program to assist with the assessment fee. The Dept. of Veterans Affairs offers financial assistance to eligible veterans. The NEA and AFT offer loans to members.

8 Application Procedure The applications for DOE financial assistance, Pre-Candidacy Workshops, and NBC Boot Camp will be on the DOE website. Follow the directions. Prospective candidates may wait until the completion of NBC Boot Camp before making a decision about candidacy.

9 What is Going on in Your Life? Working Other school responsibilities; grading papers Spending time with significant others, family & friends Religious commitments Exercising, hobbies, vacations Sleeping ??????????

10 What is a Typical Week for You? Quickly sketch out a typical week. Be honest and comprehensive! Include the lot: all work related activities as well as commuting time, preparing meals, household responsibilities, child care responsibilities, television viewing, communicating with those important to you (e-mail, telephone) ….

11 What Changes Can You Make? To whom are you going to tell No? What can you give up? What can come off the plate? Are you prepared to make difficult decisions? Why ask these questions?

12 Here is Your NBPTS Portfolio! Estimated time to complete the entries: 200 – 400+ hours This is AT LEAST 26 to 53 full-time work days (based on a 7.5 hour day). For the past several years, the portfolio is due to the NBPTS on or before March 31. How are YOU going to find the time?

13 Portfolio Preparation Attend the Pre-Candidacy Workshops. Attend Boot Camp. Study the NBPTS standards (80 – 100 pages). Carefully read ALL of the portfolio information and directions (220+ pages). Understand the scoring criteria (75+ pages). Carefully look at your projected 2008 - 2009 calendar.

14 Portfolio Requirements 4 Portfolio Entries Three entries are school or classroom- based and include videos (usually 2) that give teachers the opportunity to present a sample of their actual educational practice over a specified time period. One entry usually focuses on student learning over time.

15 Portfolio Requirements One entry documents: –A teachers communication with students families and the community –The teachers development as a learner and as a leader/collaborator. Everything in this entry has to contribute to student learning.

16 And Next is the Assessment Center Six 30-minute prompts The assessments examine knowledge, skills, and dispositions in the NBPTS standards and across the entire age range of your NBPTS certificate area. The assessments are computer administered; no handwriting allowed. There is a strong emphasis on content knowledge.

17 Assessment Center Preparation is crucial for success. The window typically has been from July 1 to June 15. Wait until your portfolio is completed and shipped and you have completed your study plan before you take the assessment center exercises. However, make your appointment early. Your assessment fee must be paid in full to schedule the appointment.

18 How Does the NBPTS Make the Certification Decision? Classroom teachers (or school counselors) score the portfolio entries and assessment center responses. The NBPTS provides rigorous training. The assessors use the same scoring criteria available to candidates. Each portfolio entry/assessment center response goes to different scoring centers across the US and each is scored by a different assessor.

19 Scoring The final score for determining NBPTS certification is a combination of the weighted scores for each entry and each assessment center exercise. The portfolio entries have the greatest weight. The portfolio contributes about 60% to the total score; the assessment center about 40%.

20 If the Initial Score Falls Short Candidates can retake entries and/or assessments that fall below a pre- specified score point. The retake window is the two years immediately following the first year of candidacy. The NBC process can take three years; some candidates do not certify within the three years. DOE offers financial and support services to those who are eligible.

21 Important Resources All available now 2007 Guide to National Board (2008 available later) NBPTS Standards Portfolio instructions Assessment Center information & orientation Scoring Guide

22 And … Talk to NBCTs. You can search for NBCTs by district and/or certificate area at the DOE website or at the NBPTS website. Candidly discuss your candidacy plans with your family, significant others, teacher partners, other important colleagues. They will go through your candidacy with you.

23 This is Important, Too … Commit to staying in your current assignment and/or NBPTS grade level throughout your candidacy. Candidacy may take up to three years. If you move out of your current assignment and/or NBPTS grade level, it could be difficult to be successful. You will also be ineligible for DOE financial assistance with retake assessments and other support services.

24 And Please … At no time ask a NBCT or candidate to share his or her portfolio with you; either in its entirety or in any part. Likewise, do not ask about or discuss the actual assessment center prompts. Doing so is a violation of the NBPTS ethics policy and consequences can be severe.

25 12% Salary Supplement and Advanced License Pending available State funds, NBCTs receive a 12% salary supplement on their base salary (state share, ~70%) and is valid for the duration of the certificate, 10 years. NBCTs receive the Delaware Advanced License, also valid for 10 years.

26 For More Information … Contact your friendly DOE Patricia Bigelow Mary Ellen Kotz 302-735-4120

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