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Street Drugs Substances that are not legally obtained from a physician or sold in a drug store.

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Presentation on theme: "Street Drugs Substances that are not legally obtained from a physician or sold in a drug store."— Presentation transcript:

1 Street Drugs Substances that are not legally obtained from a physician or sold in a drug store

2 Stimulants Speeds up the nervous system, heart and breathing. Users feel more alert and euphoric May experience hallucinations and panic attacks Highly addictive Cause organ damage and/or death

3 Examples of Stimulants Cocaine –(Coke, Powder, White, Crack) Amphetamines –Crank, Speed, Ice

4 Cocaine

5 Depressants Slow Body Reactions Reduced heart rate, breathing and blood pressure Users fell drowsiness, confused & depressed Very easy to overdose Leads to seizures and tremors

6 Examples of Depressants Barbiturates –Downers Tranquilizers –Valium, PCP

7 Opiates (Narcotics) Depress the CNS Lower respiration and blood pressure Highly addictive Can be mistaken for china white (Deadly heroin) Causes diarrhea, tremors and cravings

8 Examples of Opiates Herion –Junk Morphine

9 Hallucinogens Causes someone to perceive something that does not exist outside the mind Can become panicked and lose control “Bad trips” or flashbacks can return weeks or months after initial drug use

10 Examples of Hallucinogens LSD –Acid Ecstasy –X, E Psilocybin –“Shrooms”

11 XTC

12 Marijuana Dried leaves and flowers of the female hemp plant Users feel relaxed and often feel changes in perception May experience acute heart and lung symptoms Negative affects of short term memory

13 Marijuana

14 Inhalants Substances that are inhaled through the nose or mouth into the lungs Users get suddenly and intensely dizzy, weak and flushed Heart rate rises, blood pressure increases and blood vessels are dilated Can cause permanent brain damage, memory failure, seizures, organ damage, heart attacks and respiratory arrest

15 Anabolic Steriods Increases muscle development and gain weight Causes acne, baldness Causes heart, liver and kidney damage Can cause hallucinations, violent outbursts and depression Sexual function can disappear

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