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Motion Commotion A Station Lab Positively Aging®/M.O.R.E. 2007© The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio.

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1 Motion Commotion A Station Lab Positively Aging®/M.O.R.E. 2007© The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio

2 Rationale Students will explore the physics of movement and ways in which they can preserve mobility throughout their lifespan. Students will explore the physics of movement and ways in which they can preserve mobility throughout their lifespan. Positively Aging®/M.O.R.E. 2007© The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio

3 Station 1: A Well Turned Ankle   This lab is designed to test your balance and how quickly you can shift your center of gravity by exaggerating the see saw movement of our feet and ankles. Positively Aging®/M.O.R.E. 2007© The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio

4 Station 1: A Well Turned Ankle  Balance Test: Students will attempt to balance on a board for 5 seconds without touching the wall or the back of the board touching the floor. Positively Aging®/M.O.R.E. 2007© The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio

5 Station 1: A Well Turned Ankle  Center of Gravity (COG) Shift Test: Students will use the balance board to shift back and forth touching the front of the board to the ground and then the back side to the ground. Positively Aging®/M.O.R.E. 2007© The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio 12

6 Station 2: Reach for the Remote  Students will perform 4 tests that demonstrate your whole body flexibility. Positively Aging®/M.O.R.E. 2007© The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio

7 Station 2: Reach for the Remote  Sit and Reach  Fingertip to Floor  Spinal Stretch  Upper Reach Positively Aging®/M.O.R.E. 2007© The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio

8 Station 3: Get up and Go, Whoopee!  Students will test how fast they can stand up from a laying position walk 5 meters and sit down in a chair.  Students will be calculating distance, speed and acceleration. Positively Aging®/M.O.R.E. 2007© The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio

9 Station 4: Gymnastics Joints  Students will measure the range of motion (ROM) for various joints using an instrument called a goniometer. A goniometer is a modified protractor that permits estimated measurements of angles resulting from the movement of various joints in the body. The term goniometer comes from the Greek words “gonia,” meaning angle, and “metron,” meaning measure. Positively Aging®/M.O.R.E. 2007© The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio

10 Station 4: Gymnastics Joints  Students will measure the following joints: ElbowWristFingersKneeAnkle Positively Aging®/M.O.R.E. 2007© The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio

11 Station 5: Carry My Books, Please?  Students will conduct tests that indirectly measure groups of muscles in your arms and legs, primarily those responsible for daily functional movements such as walking, standing upright, climbing stairs, sitting, and carrying Positively Aging®/M.O.R.E. 2007© The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio

12 Station 5: Carry My Books, Please?  Triceps Test  Biceps Test  Quadriceps Test  Hamstring Test Positively Aging®/M.O.R.E. 2007© The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio

13 Station 6: Inertia in Action  Students will measure height and mass  Students will calculate Body Mass Index (BMI), Center of Gravity (COG) and percentages of fat and fat free mass.  Students will investigate Newton's First Law of Motion ( An object at rest tends to stay at rest and an object in motion tends to stay in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force). Positively Aging®/M.O.R.E. 2007© The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio

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